Take Heart!
From Christian Vegetarian Association (CVA)

Butterball Turkey Farm Raided

Once again, thanks to the animal advocacy group www.MercyForAnimals.org (MFA) a turkey farm in North Carolina has been raided by officials. MFA released a video showing egregious acts of cruelty by workers as well as turkeys living in appalling conditions.

Every time acts of cruelty and unkindness are exposed we get closer to decreasing victimization and making this world a better place for each and everyone of God’s creatures and the generations to come.

Hopefully, many more people after watching the video above realize that supporting the animal agriculture industry only perpetuates violence in all of God’s creation.

Read more at Animal Issues

Butterball Turkey Farm Raided - Take Heart - Christian Vegetarian Association
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Take Heart!
Butterball Turkey Farm Raided

Once again, thanks to the animal advocacy group www.MercyForAnimals.org (MFA) a turkey farm in North Carolina has been raided by officials. MFA released a video showing egregious acts of cruelty by workers as well as turkeys living in appalling conditions.

To read the article and watch the video please visit Butterball turkey farm raided after allegations of abuse:

Every time acts of cruelty and unkindness are exposed we get closer to decreasing victimization and making this world a better place for each and everyone of God’s creatures and the generations to come.

Hopefully, many more people after watching the video above realize that supporting the animal agriculture industry only perpetuates violence in all of God’s creation.

Your question and comments are welcome

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