Take Heart!
From Christian Vegetarian Association (CVA)
Some great information here, but keep in mind that outside links may not
- 8 Vegan Myths Busted! article and video
- 15th Victim in Canada’s Listeriosis Outbreak
- 21-Day Vegan Kickstart Program
- A Cardiologist's Advice
- A Delicate Balance video
- A glimpse of hope
- A Life Transformed
- A New School Policy Worth Following
- A no-brainer
- A peak into Dr. Dean Ornish’s pantry
- A Plan to Eat Less Meat and Be Healthy
- A Return to Health
- A Runner with a Life Purpose
- A Small Step to Reduce the Overuse of Antibiotics in Farmed Animals
- A Step Backwards
- A vegetarian world would be healthier, cooler and richer: scientists
- Actor Larry Hagman Is Vegan Now
- ADA’s Updated Position Paper on Veg Diets
- After-Thanksgiving Health Tips
- Alicia Silverstone: A Vegan Pregnancy
- All About Tempeh
- Almond Milk is a Great Choice!
- ALS (Lou Gehrig's Disease): Fishing for Answers
- Alzheimer's and Diet - Neal Barnard, MD
- Alzheimer's Disease: Grain Brain or Meathead? Video
- Amazing Short Animation Explains How Antibiotics Fed to Farm Animals Make Us Sick Video
- Amazing Things that Happen on a Plant-Based Diet
- American Medical Association Complicity with Big Tobacco Video
- American dies of Mad Cow disease
- Americans Are Eating Less Meat
- Americans Live Longer, Just Not Healthier
- America’s 10 Healthiest Grocery Stores
- Ammonia Treated Beef Still Found Contaminated with E. Coli
- Animal Proteins 'Turn On' Cancer Genes Video
- Animals Raised for Food Are Given More Antibiotics than Ever
- An Insight, An Idea with Dean Ornish Video
- Another Plant-Based Success Story
- Antibiotics before Birth
- Avian Flu Confirmed in Mexico
- Awesome Blog!
- And… what about fish?
- Animal Agriculture Devastating for Human Health
- Animal Products Linked to Early Puberty in Humans
- Animal Protein Raises Diabetes Risk
- Ann Harbor (MI) Elementary Schools Adopt Meatless Mondays!
- Another Culprit in Meat that Leads to Heart Disease
- Another Human Victim of Bird Flu
- Another Pro-Athlete Goes VEGAN
- Another Study on Dairy and Weight Loss
- Another Vegan Pro-Athlete!
- Antibiotics Given to Farmed Animals Absorbed by Vegetables
- Antibiotics in Meat
- Antioxidant-Rich Foods with Every Meal video
- Are Meat-Eaters Daredevils?
- Are Mushrooms a Good Source of Vitamin B12?
- Arian Foster Adopts a Vegan Diet
- Arsenic in Chicken
- Arsenic in Chicken video
- Arsenic in Chicken Linked to Health Problems in Humans
- Arsenic use in chicken feed
- Arsenic in Chicken Flesh
- Athletes Are Learning!
- Australian Government Says Vegan Diet is Possible for All
- B12 – How Much is Needed Daily?
- Bacterial Concerns
- Bans of Pork and other Meat
- Barnard Medical Center Opens in Fall
- Be Part of the Change!
- Beat Depression with Fruits and Veggies!
- Being Vegan Today
- Benefits of a Low Fat Diet
- Better School Lunches
- Beyonce Goes Vegan!
- Bill Clinton’s Radical Life Change
- Bill Gates Promotes Plant-Based Foods
- Bird Flu: A Virus of Our Own Hatching - Book Recommendation
- Bird Flu Causes Hong King Bird Reserve to Close
- Bird flu chronology
- Bird Flu Claims Another Human Victim
- Bird Flu in Canada
- Bird flu in pigs
- Bird Flu is Back
- Bird flu misconceptions
- Bird Flu News
- Bird-flu update
- Bird flu spreading in Bangladesh
- Bird Flu Strain Found in Canada
- Blood transfusions and Mad Cow disease
- Bob Harper’s New Vegan Diet
- Book Recommendation: My Beef With Meat
- Breast cancer and diet
- Breast Cancer Survival Vegetable
- British Government Urged to Promote Plant-Based Diets
- Broccoli to Fight Skin Cancer
- Bugs from Factory Farms Carry Antibiotic-Resistant Bacteria
- Building Strong Bones
- Burger King Alert of Cancer-Causing Chemical in Grilled Chicken
- Call for Ban of “Downers”
- Cancer and Dairy Link
- Cancer Prevention and Cure
- Cancers Caused by Arsenic-Laced Chicken? video
- California Setting a Good Example
- Cancer-Causing Agents in Cooked Meat
- CardioBuzz: Vegan Diet, healthy Heart?
- Central Valley Meat Once Again in the Spotlight
- Cheese, the latest junk food
- Cheese Facts You Need to Know
- Charges Filed for Largest Egg Recall in U.S. History
- Chicken’s Link to Breast Cancer
- Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel Endorses Engine 2 Diet
- Children Benefit from a Veg Diet
- Children’s Health and Diet Ignored by Legislators
- China Close To Breast Cancer Epidemic
- Chinese Man Dies from Bird Flu
- Chlorine and Much More In Chickens’ Flesh
- Chocolate, Cheese Meat, Sugar video
- Cholesterol and Saturated Fat Affect Blood Flow Anywhere in the Body
- Cigarettes and Meat: Are They Similar In Some Ways?
- Clear Conscience with a Plant-Based Diet
- Climate Deal Good for Health
- CNN Dan Nadeau MD Diet Diabetes video
- CNN Special, The Last Heart Attack
- CNN Special on “Forks Over Knives”
- Coalition Sues the EPA
- Common Ground is Plant-Based
- Compassionate 4th of July Celebration!
- Compassionate Thanksgiving Celebration
- Confirmed case of bird flu in England
- Confirmed H5N1 Strain Bird Flu Outbreak in India
- Congressman Ted Deutch is Vegan
- Contact PCRM in Regards to “Anti Non-Dairy Milk” Ad
- Contaminants in Meat
- Contamination in Chickens
- Convincing Doctors to Embrace Lifestyle Medicine video
- Correlation between Meat and Diabetes video
- Cow’s Milk Does Not Do Our Bodies Good
- Cow’s Milk is for Calves
- Creutzfeldt-Jakob (CJD) Disease Might Be Linked to Eating Meat
- Cruciferous Health News
- Cruelty-Free 'Eggs'
- Cured Meat Linked to Lung Disease
- CVS’s Contradictory Message
- DNA Testing Favors Humans Eating Starches
- Dairy and Cancer Link
- Dairy Estrogen and Male Fertilityvideo
- Dairy and Prostate Cancer
- Dairy and Prostate Cancer Link
- Dairy Bad for Human Health
- Dairy Cancer Concerns
- Dairy Consumption and Parkinson’s Disease
- Dairy Council to End Ad Campaign
- Dairy dilemma
- Dairy Doesn’t Belong at Schools
- Dairy is Going Down!
- Dairy Industry’s New Campaign
- Dairy Linked to Parkinson’s Disease
- Dairy is not for Humans
- Dairy Products Not Good For Bone Health
- Dairy’s Link to Certain Cancers
- Dan Piraro’s art and activism
- Danger of Factory Farming Underestimated
- Dangerous Hormones
- Dangerous Meat
- Dangerous Meat Products
- Dangerous PCB Levels in Fish Oil Supplements
- Dark Chocolate and Artery Function video
- David Carter on Plant-Based Diets
- Day After Thanksgiving
- DeCosters' Egg Executives in Jail
- Decrepit Factory Farms
- Defining factor of a healthy heart
- Derek Tresize: Vegan Bodybuilder
- Detox Diet
- Diabetes Control
- Did You Know These Geniuses Were Veg?
- Diet and Health, Implications for Reducing Chronic Disease Risk
- Dietary Guidelines: Just Say No video
- Diet Trumps Genetics
- Digestion Made Easy – with Michael Klaper MD video
- Dioxin in the News
- Dirty chicken
- Diseases Arise from Animal Agriculture
- Ditch Dairy - 11 Vegan Foods With More Calcium Than a Cup of Milk
- Ditch Dairy and Feel Better
- Ditch Dairy and Feel Better! (Harvard 2012 study)
- Ditch Dairy! Here's How
- Ditch the Animal Flesh!
- Doctor’s Orders!
- Don't Choose Despair video
- Don’t Eat Fish, Eat Plants!
- Don’t Forget Veganpalooza Starts Tonight!
- Doreen the Downer
- Downer Pigs in CA Banned from Food Supply
- Dr. Barnard on Dr. Oz: Preventing Alzheimer's Is Easy video
- Dr. Dean Ornish on Heart-Disease
- Dr. Esselstyn On His Reverse Heart Disease Study
- Dr. Neal Barnard on the strongest, fastest and smartest men video
- Eat More Fruits and Veggies, NYC Doctors Say
- Eat More Tofu
- Eat Plant-Based for Heart Health
- Eat Plant-Based to Reduce Prostate Cancer Rate
- Eat Plant-Based to Reduce Your Cancer Rate
- Eating Animals is Too Risky
- Eating Beef is a Gamble
- Eating Healthy on a Budget
- Eating Lower on the Food Chain is Good for the Planet
- Eating You Alive Video
- Eat Your Veggies! Video
- Ebola Virus in Pigs
- Ebola Virus in Pigs
- E. Coli and raw spinach
- E. coli Loophole
- Effective Activism
- Egg Consumption Increases Risk of Death
- Egg Sales Going Down!
- Eggs and Cholesterol: Patently False and Misleading Claims video
- Eggs Are Not Part of a Healthy Diet
- Eggs During Pregnancy Not a Good Idea
- Eggs Increase the Risk of Prostate Cancer
- Eggs Linked to Heart Disease Once Again
- Eliminating the # 1 Cause of Death
- Ellen DeGeneres’ New “Vegan” Website
- Emergent Diseases from Animal Origin
- Environmental problems caused by factory farms
- Europe's first vegan supermarket opens in Dortmund, Germany
- European Union Wants to Keep Animal Protein out of Cattle Feed
- Everyone Should Eat More Plants
- Evolvepalooza Launches Today!
- Ex Vivo Cancer Proliferation Bioassay video
- Excess Iron Detrimental for Health
- Exploiting Poultry Has A Human Cost
- Extraordinary Woman!
- Factory Farm Workers Carry Antibiotic-Resistant Bacteria
- Factory Farming: Disgusting and Cruel
- Factory Farming Antibiotic Resistance Problem
- Factory farming environmental pollution
- Factory Farms and Public Health
- Factory Farms and Superbugs: A Very Scary Reality
- Factory Farms are a Public Health Concern
- Factory Farms Are Bad For People Too
- Factory Farms Are Breeding Ground for Antibiotic-Resistant Bacteria
- Factory Farms on the Spotlight Again
- Factory Farms Responsible for Bugs
- Factory Farms Transmit Diseases
- Fake Obesity Experts video
- Farmageddon: The True Cost of Cheap Meat - Book Recommendation
- Farmed Fish Might Transmit Mad Cow Disease
- Fast Food Nation
- Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead video
- Father Mann Makes a Case for Vegetarianism
- FDA Increases Allowable Dosage or Irradiation
- FDA Plans to Reduce Antibiotic Use in Factory Farms
- FDA Sued Over Antibiotic Overuse
- FDA to Restrict Antibiotic Use in Livestock
- Fecal Matter in Every Sample of Beef
- Fed Up: Let's Really Move Big Food Out of School
- Feds Say Vegan Diet Best for Planet
- Firefighter Foam Used to Kill Poultry
- Firefighters Kicking Cholesterol to the Curb video
- First Vegetarian School Cafeteria in the U.S.
- Fish are Friends, not Food
- Fish Facts
- Fish Linked to Type 2 Diabetes
- Fish Good for the Heart? Think again!
- Fish Oil Not So Beneficial
- Fish Oil or Algae?
- Fish Oil or Just Snake Oil? video
- Five Great Reasons to Stop Eating Chickens
- Five Must-Watch Documentaries videos
- Flu virus can survive in frozen lakes
- Food for Life Diabetes series
- Food Inc. Opens on Friday
- Food Revolution Summit 2014
- Food’s Link to Mental Health
- Foods That Kill: Xtreme Eating 2011
- Foods that Prevent Cancer
- “Forks Over Knives” Changes Lives
- Former Buffalo Bills Player Adopts Dr. Esselstyn’s Diet
- Former “Mr. America” at 72 years-old
- Frankensteer video
- Free bird-flu book and video on-line
- Free E-Book: World Veganism – Past, Present and Future
- Fruits and vegetables help prevent cancer
- Fruits Fight Against Alzheimer’s Disease
- Geoffrey Guiliano - 'Ronald McDonald'actor in the 1980's
- Get Calcium from Plant-Based Foods!
- Get Inspired!
- Get Ready to Kickstart Your Health on Jan 3rd!
- Global Warming Increases Mercury Toxicity in Fish
- Gluten-Free Vegan Diet Helps Rheumatoid Arthritis
- Go vegan to avoid Alzheimer's video
- God’s Farmed Animals Are Laden With Antibiotics
- God-given rights
- Going Vegan is Good for Companies
- Good Habits that Help in Cancer Prevention
- Good news for sports fans
- Good News for Vegans!
- Good News for Vegetarians
- Good News for Vegetarian Men
- Gorillas’ Diet Helps Understand Human Diet
- Got Diseases? Go Vegan!
- Got High Cholesterol? Go Vegan!
- Got Mad Cow Disease?
- Governor Chris Christie Shows No Empathy
- Grass-fed beef
- Great Advice from Dr. Will Tuttle
- Growing Risk of Bird Flu Pandemic
- H1N1 Found in Canadian Swine
- H1N1 in Canadian Turkey Farm
- H1N1 Might Have Been in Pigs for Years
- H5N1 Bird Flu Strain Confirmed in the UK
- H6N1 Jumps to Humans
- Happy World Vegetarian Day!
- Halloween tip
- Harvard “Enlightens” USDA on the Issue of Dairy
- Harvard Says Low Fat Milk Is Not Healthy
- Harvard's Meat and Mortality Studies video
- Healthier and More Compassionate School Lunches
- Health and Nutrition Literature
- Health news
- Health Tip: Choose whole foods over processed foods
- Health Tip: Eat the rainbow!
- Health Tip: Eat Prunes
- Health Tip: Eat with mindfulness
- Health Tip: Stay Active
- Health Tip for Vegetarians
- Health Tips from a Superb Veg Athlete!
- Healthy Eating?
- Healthy Lifestyle Expo 2010
- Healthy school children
- Heart Disease Starts in Childhood video
- Heart Health
- Heart Health: Diet vs. Drugs
- 'Hegans'
- High Levels of Mercury in Tuna
- High Mercury In Fish
- High Saturated Fat Diets Have Negative Effects Prostatectomy
- High-Fiber Diets Prevent Colon Polyps
- “Hip” Meatless Mondays
- Hooked on Meat? Here’s Why
- Hormones in beef
- Horse slaughter in Canada
- How a Trucker Took Charge of His Health with a Vegan Diet
- How Can Women Extend Their Life Span?
- How Do You Get Enough Protein?
- How to Defend Being Vegan - Russell Simmons Video
- Hot Dogs As Dangerous As Cigarettes
- How I Learned Diet Kills and Cures -- Dr. McDougall video
- How Not to Die
- How Rip Esselstyn Stays Fit - The Engine 2 Way! video
- How to Prevent High Blood Pressure with Diet video
- How to Prevent Kidney Stones with Diet video
- How to Replace Dairy in One’s Diet
- How to Solve the Health Crisis in the U.S.
- How to Solve the Obesity Epidemic
- How to transition to a plant-base diet
- How to Truly Be Free
- Huge Deli Meat Recall
- Humane Eating?
- Human poison in chicken feed
- Human-Animal Infectious Diseases on the Rise
- Humanity Should Embrace a Plant-Based Diet
- Humans Don’t Need Different Diets
- Humans Don’t Need to Consume Dairy
- Humans Only Need Human Milk
- Hunger Games Star Reveals He is Vegan
- Hunger Increasing Worldwide
- Hungry for Change video
- Illegal Antibiotics in Dairy
- Immersions in Austin, TX and across America
- Important Reasons to Go Veg
- Increase of Cancer Rates Expected in Asia
- Increased Breast Cancer Survival with Plant-Based Diet
- Insanity!
- Inspectors in Iowa’s Egg-Laying Factory Farms
- Interview with Dr. Caldwell B. Esselstyn, Jr., M.D
- Interview with Dr. Michael Greger
- Is Antibiotic-Free Meat Really Healthier?
- Is Beef Safe?
- Is Health Food Healthy?
- Is Meat Safe? video
- Interview with Jeff Novick video
- Interview with Lani Muelrath
- Iran and Israel Encourage Meatless Monday!
- It’s Never Too Late
- It's Simply a Bean!
- "I’ve Set the Clock Back 15 Years"
- James "Lightning" Wilks video
- Jane-Velez Mitchell's news program on CNN video
- Jared Leto in Batman!
- Jeff Novick on Food Labeling video
- Jennifer Lopez Goes Vegan
- John and Ocean Robbins video
- John Robbins at 65
- John Robbins Talks about the Typical American Diet
- John Salley on Being Vegan
- Just One Meal May Affect Our Health
- Kaiser Permanente Encourages Plant-Based Diets
- Kaiser Permanente's Guide to Plant-Based Nutrition
- Kale Is In!
- Kathy Freston on The Ellen Degeneres Show video
- Kids Embrace Plant-Based Diets
- Kucinich Talks about Health and Diet
- LA Rocks! - Another City Adopts Meatless Mondays
- Largest Beef Recall in US History
- Latest victim of 'mad cow' disease video
- Lead in Organic Chicken Broth video
- Let Your Child Adopt a Plant-Based Diet
- Let’s Focus on Our Message of Compassion and Ethical Living
- Let’s Join Kathy Freston with Her Petition to McDonald’s
- Let’s Move Toward Meatless the Way We Have Moved Toward Smokeless
- Lighten Up video
- Link between Cancer and Weight
- Link between Red Meat and Kidney Cancer
- Link between Western Diet and Health Defects
- Listen to a Champion!
- Little Girl Possible Victim of Salmonella-Infected KFC Chicken
- Live Poultry Contamination
- Look Who's Moving Away from Eating Animals?
- Low-Carb Diets are Unhealthy
- Low-carb Diets May Impair Cognitive Ability
- Low Fat Plant-based diets Reduce Recurrence of Breast Cancer
- Lunch Hour: America's School Lunch Program video
- Mad Cow Confirmed in California video
- Mad cow disease update
- Main Street Vegan - Book Recommendation
- Male fertility news
- Many medical students are vegetarian
- Mass Slaughtering of Pigs Due to Swine Flu
- Mayor of Marshall, Texas, is Vegan
- McDougall MD - Solving America's Health Crisis video
- Medical Center’s Café Goes Veg
- Meals for Health video
- Meat As Bad As Cigarettes
- Meat-Based Diet Kills at Least 45,000 People in the UK Every Year
- Meatpacking Plant Contaminates Air
- Meat & Dairy Cause Cancer video
- Meat and Poultry Responsible for Foodborne Infection
- Meat Causes Weight Gain
- Meat Consumption Increases Mortality Rates
- Meat Consumption Linked to Breast Cancer
- Meat-Eaters Responsible for Veg Meals Rise
- Meat Industry Lacks Inspectors
- Meat Intake Increases Risk of Prostate Cancer
- Meat Linked to Diabetes
- Meat Processing Plants Making News
- Meat Products Linked to Urinary Tract Infections
- Meat safety
- Meat’s Link to Bladder Cancer
- “Meatless Monday” Approved in San Diego District Schools
- "Meatless Monday” is Unstoppable
- Medicinal Herbs
- Mega dairy farm pollution
- Merry Christmas 2014!!
- MFA’s New Dairy Ad
- Michael Clarke Duncan's Exclusive Interview with PETA
- Michelle Pfeiffer Adopts a Vegan Diet
- Millennials Boost Veganism
- Moms Should Want to Raise their Kids Vegan
- Montel Williams’ Daughter in Vegetarian Ad
- More African Americans Adopt Plant-Based Diets
- More benefits of a plant-based diet
- More Health Benefits of a Plant-Based Diet
- More Benefits of a Plant Based Diet
- More Benefits to a Plant-based Diet
- More Benefits to Soy Intake
- More Benefits of a Vegan Diet
- More Chicken Products for School Children?!
- More concerns about mad-cow-disease
- More Deception by the Dairy Industry? You Bet!
- More E. coli Testing in Light of Meat Recalls
- More Evidence about the Benefits of Veg Diets
- More evidence against saturated fat
- More Evidence of Cow’s Milk Linked to Type I Diabetes
- More Fruits and Vegetables Reduce Recurrence of Breast Cancer
- More Fruits and More Veggies Make You Happier
- More Good News About Plant-Based Diets
- More Indians Going Vegan
- More Light Shed on Soy Consumption
- More on mad cow disease
- More People Choose Veg Options
- More Reasons for Men to be Vegan
- More Vegetarian Alternatives in Institutions
- MRSA from Livestock to Humans
- MRSA in the Supermarket
- MRSA Linked to Swine Factory Farms
- MRSA Strain Might Have Come From Cows
- MRSA Superbugs in Meat video
- Mushrooms Decrease Risk of Breast Cancer
- My Vegan Life..Recommended Blog
- Negative Effects of Dairy video
- Never Too Late To Go Vegan: The Over 50 Guide to Adopting and Thriving On a Plant Based Diet
- New Attitude toward “Mock” Meats
- New Bird Flu Outbreak in Cambodia
- New Bird Flu Strain One of the Most Lethal
- New BSE Case in The Netherlands
- New Case of Birdflu in Ostrich
- New Disease Linked to Pig’s Brain
- New evidence on dairy and prostate cancer link
- New findings on breast cancer and red meat link
- New Human Bird Flu Victim in Egypt
- New Mad Cow Disease Case Confirmed
- New Online Library: Plant-Based Research
- New PCRM website
- New Regulations for Rendering Cow Brains and Spines into Animal Food
- New Strain of Porcine Epidemic Diarrhea Virus (PEDv)
- New Study Suggests Link between Choline and Cancer
- New study on bone health and different diets
- New USDA Pork Inspection Program a Failure
- New Vegan Magazine - Laika
- New Year’s resolution
- News from PCRM! The Barnard Medical Center
- NFL Player Montell Owens Talks Vegan
- Nine Million Pounds of Meat Recalled
- No Eggs Is Better
- No Happy Cows: Dispatches from the Frontlines of the Food Revolution by John Robbins
- No Meat Athlete: Run on Plants and Discover Your Fittest, Fastest, Happiest Self - Book Recommendation
- No Meat, Eggs or Dairy? No Problem!
- Nutrient Blocking Effects of Dairy video
- Nutrition and Violence
- Obesity Contributors
- Obesity in Chickens, Obesity in Humans
- Obesity worldwide on the rise
- Oh She Glows
- Older Canadian Cattle to Enter the US
- Omega-3s in the Spotlight
- On Happiness…
- On Men and Meat
- On Protein and Vegan Diets
- One in a Thousand: Ending the Heart Disease Epidemic video
- One more reason not to eat eggs
- One more reason to skip cow’s milk
- Ornish Diet Best for Heart
- Our Daily Bread
- Our Food, Our Health
- Overuse of antibiotics
- Past the Age of Miracles: Facing a post-Antibiotic Age video
- Paul Shapiro and Dr. Michael Greger on Antibiotic Overuse
- Paula Deen is in Many of Us
- Pay Attention to Iodine
- PCRM Billboards Warn About Cheese
- PCRM Presents Dannon with SICK Award
- PED Virus Causing Havoc
- Phytates for the Prevention of Cancer video
- Physicians Committee Setting the Record Straight
- Pink Slime is Back
- Plant-Based Diet: Prevention and Cure for Cancer?
- Plant-Based Diet Good For Bone Health
- Plant-based Diet Healthy for Teenagers
- Plant-Based Diet is Detoxifying
- Plant-Based Diet Key to Long Life
- Plant-Based Diet Reduces Breast Cancer Risk
- Plant-Based Diet Rejuvenates Arteries
- Plant-Based Diets Are Healthier
- Plant-Based Diets Good for Heart Health
- Plant-Based Diets Decrease Cancer Rate
- Plant-Based Diets Help Fight Cancer
- Plant-Based Diets on the Rise
- Plant-based Diets Not Linked to Eating Disorders
- Plant-Based Diets: The Non-Disease Diets
- Plant-Based Eating is Ethical Eating
- Plant-Based Foods Are Good for Our Mental State
- Plant-Based Foods Right for Athletes
- Plant-Based is Best! (Dr. Robert Ostfeld)
- Plant-Based is Best! (Janice Stagner, PhD)
- Plant-Based is Best! (Dr. Neal Barnard)
- Plant-Based is Best for Children
- Plant-Based to Treat Multiple Sclerosis
- Plant-Based to Reverse Diabetes
- Plant Protein is a Hot Item for Investors
- Plant-Strong!
- Plant-Strong Athletes!
- Plant-Strong Eating
- Plastic in Chicken Nuggets
- Pledge Vegan!
- Poor Children Victims of Global Warming
- Pork producer loses lawsuit
- Poultry Exposure Tied to Liver and Pancreatic Cancer
- Poultry Plants Using Poisonous Chemicals
- Priceless: Patient Googles His Way Out of Bypass Surgery
- Processed Meats Are Dangerous for Our Health
- Purple Foods Are Healthy
- Putting Children in Harm’s Way
- Raising Livestock Increases Hunger World-Wide
- Raising Plant-Based Kids
- Raising Vegan Kids?
- Raising Veg Kids Is Not Cruel
- Radio story on factory farming
- Raw Vegan Diet Helps Woman Reclaim Her Health
- Real Men Eat Vegan
- Red Meat Consumption May be Linked to Type 2 Diabetes
- Red Meat Consumptions Increases Mortality Rate
- Red Meat Dangers
- Red Meat Linked to Colorectal Cancer
- Red Meat Might Be the New Cigarettes
- Red Meat or Chicken?
- Reducing the Risk of Alzheimer’s
- Report on Resistance Bacteria in Meat
- Rescued Former Battery Hen Celebrates Her Birthday With a Giant Cake, Wishes and All!
- Researchers Call for Reduction in Meat Consumption
- Response to ignorant attack
- Restaurant Food Choices That Increase Risk of Diabetes
- Rev. Al Sharpton Feels and Looks Better than Ever!
- Rev. Frank L. Hoffman on Veganpalooza 2012
- Right Diet for a Healthy Life
- Rip Esselstyn on Dr. Oz video
- Rip Esselstyn on Dr. Oz Part 2 video
- Rip Esselstyn on Dr. Oz Part 2 - Update video
- Rise in seafood poisoning
- Rosie O’Donnell Adopts Veg Diet
- S. Korea Rejects US Beef Shipment
- Sad News: Supreme Court Overturned California Law Mandating Humane Treatment of Downed Farmed Animals
- Salmonella outbreak in Sweden
- Scientists Say to Avoid Animal Products
- Second NYC School Goes Veg!
- Serious animal welfare problems revealed at the Centers for Disease Control, CDC
- Serious Concerns about the Overuse of Antibiotics in Factory Farming
- Setting the Record Straight
- Sex-changing substances found in the Potomac River
- Shake video
- Silk Goes Big on Ads! video
- Slaughterplants’ Link to Crime
- Smells Fishy?
- Smoked Meat Linked to Cancer
- Snack Smart
- Solution for Atherosclerosis
- Some Facts About Milk
- Sound Advice: Don't Feed the Baby
- South Korean Fear Over US Beef
- Soy Benefits Our Bodies
- Soy Decreases Breast Cancer Recurrence in Women
- Soy Foods & Stomach Cancer Risk
- Soy Intake Benefits
- Soy Lowers Risk of Hip Fractures
- Soy May Lower Cholesterol in Diabetic Patients
- Soy May Protect Against Lung Cancer
- Soy Products Beneficial During Puberty
- Soy Safety
- Soy: The Truth
- Spend Less, Feel Better: Go Vegetarian
- Sport personalities: Scott Jurek
- Statin Drugs: Too Many Undesirable Effects
- Stevie Wonder on Veganism
- Straight from the Source
- Strawberries Versus Esophageal Cancer video
- Study Shows Increased Mortality with Low-carb High-protein Diets
- Study Shows Women Benefit from Eating More Plant-Based Foods
- “Superbugs”
- Surgery or Plant-Based Diet?
- Survey indicates Americans prefer healthful foods to medicines
- Swine Flu and Factory Farms
- Swine Flu DVD
- T. Colin Campbell Highlights Benefits of a Plant-Base Diet
- Taking on Big Ag
- Teaching children about nutrition
- Tennis Player, Venus Williams, Adopts a Raw Vegan Diet
- Test Your Nutrition Knowledge!
- The absurdity of an obesity vaccine
- The American Diet is the Wrong One for Humans
- The Benefits of Meditation
- The Benefits of Not Eating Animals
- The Chicken Industry: Abuse and Contamination
- The China Study – Interview with Dr. Campbell
- The Consequences of a Dairy and Meat-Based Diet
- The Consequences of Confined Animal Feeding Operations
- The Dangers of Antibiotic Overuse
- The Dangers of Eating Chicken Flesh
- The Disconnection between Suffering and Animal-Based Diets
- The Disgusting Pork Industry
- The Engine 2 Diet
- The future according to Andy Rooney
- The Garden of Eden was vegetarian
- The healing power of animals
- The Healing Power of Plants
- The Healing Power of a Plant-Based Diet
- The Healing Power of Plant-Based Diets
- The Healthy Food Movement: Strength In Unity Video
- The Hungry Vegan
- The Insane Speed at Slaughterhouses
- The Latest on Omega-3 Fatty Acid Recommendations
- The Many Benefit of Plant-Based Diets
- The Meat Industry’s Monstrous Power
- The Most Voluminous Killing
- The New Dietary Guidelines that Have the Meat Industry Worried
- The Optimal Diet
- The Other Better Protein
- The Poultry Industry and Super-Bugs
- The Power of a Healthy Diet
- The Power Plate
- The President of the American College of Cardiology Wants People to Go Vegan
- The Problem with Saturated Fat
- The Protein Combining Myth Video
- The Pus in Milk
- The Reality of the Meat Market
- The Risks of Not Going Meatless!
- The road to ethical eating
- The Shocking Truth About Dairy video
- The Sobering Reality of Antibiotic Overuse
- The Story of Change video
- The Suffering of Obese People in Our Society
- The Threat of a Swine Flu Pandemic
- The Truth About Sugar
- The Truth Behind Paleo Diets
- The Truth Behind Soy Consumption
- The Typical American Diet is Making Americans Sick
- The US, a fast food nation
- The vegan food pyramid
- The Way Farmed Animals Are Raised Affects Public Health
- The Wonders of Soy
- These Predictions Will Make You Happy
- Think Twice before Drinking Cow’s Milk
- Third expansion of beef recall
- Third Largest US Meat Recall in History
- This is HUGE - The Chinese government released a set of dietary guidelines that recommends citizens consume less meat to protect the environment
- Thom Hartmann Talks Vegan
- Tips to Help Transition to a Plant-Based Diet
- To Live Longer, Live With Compassion
- Tony Fiammetta Adopts A Vegan Diet
- Top 10 Vegan Health Tips
- Top Athlete - Why I Went Vegan
- Topps Meat Co. Goes out of Business
- Toxic Whale Meat
- Treating and Reversing Diabetes with a Plant-Based Diet
- Treating Chronic Kidney Disease with Food Video
- Treatment for hypertension
- Tryptophan and Depression
- Turkey Meat Heavily Contaminated
- Two Human Victims of Mad Cow Disease
- Two More Cases of Human Bird Flu
- Two More Cases of Human Bird Flu
- Two More New Cases of Bird Flu in China
- Tyson's Misleading Label
- UCLA at the Forefront of Vegetarianism
- UK Reduces Meat Products Intake
- Unsanitary Conditions in Industrial Poultry Farms
- Uprooting the Leading Causes of Death
- US Among Top Food Safety Offenders
- USDA Allows Unsafe Meat to Be Sold
- USDA to Consider Diet for a Healthy Planet
- USDA’s Rejection of Downer Cows Ban
- V is for 'Vegan' - Plant-based School Lunches on the Rise
- Veg Diet Beneficial for People with CKD
- Veg Diet Good for GEICO Employees
- Veg Diet is Good for Bones
- Veg Diets Are Healthful
- Veg Diets Boost Heart Health
- Veg Diets Reduce Risk of Polyps
- Vegan athlete
- Vegan Athlete - Steph Davis
- Vegan Athletes
- Vegan Athletic Nutrition
- Vegan Bodybuilding
- Vegan Boxer Wins Welterweight Title
- Vegan Diet and Omega-3s
- Vegan Diet Boosts Energy!
- Vegan diet for athletes
- Vegan Diet Good for People with Type 2 Diabetes
- Vegan Diets on the Rise
- Vegan Diet Helps Reduce Anxiety and Stress
- Vegan Diet Helps with Weight Loss
- Vegan Diet Slows Aging Process
- Vegan Health and Vitality
- Vegan Masculinity
- Vegan Mayor is Changing Lives
- Vegan moms – vegan children
- Vegan Myths Debunked
- Vegan Power
- Vegan Solution to Diabetes Pain
- Vegan Strength video
- Vegan Teacher Dismissed From School
- Veganism for Men
- Veganism Rising in China
- Veganpalooza 2012!!!
- Vegans Have the Lowest Body Mass Index (BMI)
- Vegans Less Polluted Than Omnivores
- Vegans Rock
- Vegetables and Fruits Increase Breast Cancer Survival Rates
- Vegetables found to be good for the brain
- Vegetables Increase Ovarian Cancer Survival Rates
- Vegetables Win Over Drugs at Combating Heart Disease
- Vegetarian and Overweight
- Vegetarian Children
- Vegetarian Meals in a High School in Korea
- Vegetarianism is Good for Heart Health
- Vegetariano en 21 días
- Vegetarians Are on the Right Path
- Vegetarians Live Longer
- Vegetarians Live Longer (Of Course!)
- Vegetarians Suffer Less From Depression
- Vegetarians Were Right All Along
- Veggie Food News! - Veggie Grill to Expand
- Veggie “Meats”
- VegWeek 2012
- Venus Williams is a Raw Vegan
- Vitamin D in a Plant-Based Diet
- Volusia County Schools Offer Nutritious Plant-based Choices
- Want Healthy Kidneys? Go Veg!
- Wash Your Hands, Eat Plant-Based
- Watch John Oliver Blast the Chicken Industry video
- We Don’t Need to Eat Animals
- Western Diet is Linked to Heart Disease - I
- Western Diet is Linked to Heart Disease - II
- Western Diet Reduces Cognitive Abilities
- What Are the Healthiest Foods? video
- What is a “Daniel Fast”?
- What Is A Healthy Plant-Based Diet?
- What is McDonald’s Hiding?
- What Is the Best Diet? video
- What might happen if nutritional excellence was taught in medical school?
- What Should Food Recommendations Be Based On?
- What the Chicken Industry Wants You to Believe
- What the Health AKA Cowspiracy 2 video
- What you eat might affect skin cancer
- What Would Jesus (Not) Eat?
- What’s in Their Feed?
- What’s Inside Factory Farms?
- What’s Killing People is the Food!
- When We Abuse Animals
- Which Foods Increase Happiness? Video
- Who is in a Burger?
- Whole Foods Market's Plant-Based Health Care for Employees
- Why Cow’s Milk Is Not Meant for Humans
- Why Dairy is Not Good for Humans
- Why Daniel’s Fast Works
- Why Eating Chickens Is Not A Good Idea
- Why Eating Fish Is Not A Good Idea
- Why is Meat a Risk Factor for Diabetes video
- Why NOT Pork
- Why People in the U.S. are Eating Less Red Meat
- Why Red Meat is Bad for Our Health
- Why UTI’s and Chicken Might be Linked
- Why Vegan? By EVOLVE! Campaigns
- Why We Choose Not Eat Turkeys
- Yersinia in Pork video
- Youngest Self-Made Female Billionaire is Vegan!
- Zinc?
- Zombie chickens