Take Heart!
From Christian Vegetarian Association (CVA)
Some great information here, but keep in mind that outside links may not
- 14,000 Dead Pigs in Chinese
- A glimpse of hope
- A Joyous Vegan
- A Lose-Lose Situation
- A Thorough View of the
Devastation Caused by Factory Farms
- Abalone Fishing Ban Postponed
- Addressing Climate Change
with Vegan Diet
- Agent Orange Being Used in the
Amazon Forest
- Agnostic Carnism
- Al Gore Says To Eat Less Meat
- Al Gore’s Diet Targeted Over His
- Amazon Deforestation Inevitable?
- Amazon Destruction by Beef Industry
- Amazon Forest in Danger
- An Environmentalist Meat-Eater?
- And what about cruelty to animals?
- And… what about fish?
- An example for Christians
- Animal Agriculture and Global
- Animal Agriculture is a War on Nature
- Animal Agriculture is Killing the Rainforests
- Animal Agriculture’s Toll on Earth
- Animal agriculture and pollution
- Animal Agriculture Pollutes Chesapeake Bay
- Animal Agriculture Putting Earth at Risk
- Animal-Based Agriculture Ignores Major Problems
- Animal fat into renewable energy
- Another Celebrity Goes Vegan - Michelle Rodriguez
- Another of God's Animals Declared Extinct
- Aquatic Life Threatened
- Arsenic use in chicken feed
- A Serious Population Problem
- Arnold Schwarzenegger Advocates "Part-Time" Vegetarianism Video
- As Simple As Eating Less Meat
- Asian seas going empty
- Atlantic bluefin tuna catch reduction quota not enough
- Australia’s Beef Industry Impacted by Drought
- Beef Industry Fights Back
- Best New Year’s Resolution
- Bigeye Tuna Numbers Close to Collapse
- Bill Gates Promotes Vegetarianism
- Bird flu misconceptions
- Brazil to Stop More of the Amazon Deforestation
- CAFO the Book video
- CAFO’s Cause Devastation
- Cancerous river
- Caring for God’s Creation
- Cattle and Global Warming
- Cattle Drives Amazon Deforestation
- Cattle’s Strong Link to Global Warming
- Change Menus to Curb Global Warming
- Change of Heart After
Seeing Cowspiracy!
- Charbroiling Meat Is Very Polluting
- Chicken Farms Polluting the Environment
- China's largest lake is shrinking
- Chinese river dolphin extinct
- Choice of Diet and Global Warming
- Choice of Diet Crucial for the Environment
- "Chomping Climate Change" video
- Climate Change Bill Needs Support of Farmer and Ranchers
- Climate Change Affects Everyone
- Climate Change is Becoming Fastest n 65 Million Years
- Closer to the Tipping Point
- Coalition Sues the EPA
- Cod Fall Linked to Toxic Tide
- Commercial fishing impact on oceans biodiversity
- Complete Disregard for the Environment
- Concerned Kittens video
- Conviction of Sea Bass Poachers
- Cows that Burp Less
- "Cowspiracy" Calls for Accountability
- Crusader for the Oceans
- Cut out Caviar to Save the Sturgeon
- Cutting Meat and Dairy Even by Half Contributes to Good Health and Environmental Restoration
- Dairy dilemma
- Dairy Farm Found to Pollute Water
- Dairy Farms are Agents of Environmental Destruction
- Dairy Farms Contaminate the Environment
- Dairy waste into electric powder
- Deadly Fish Virus in the Great Lakes
- Deforestation-Based Foods?
- Destroying the World One Bite at A Time
- Devastating Effects of Global Warming
- Diet and Climate Change: Cooking Up a Storm Video
- Diet’s Link to the Environment
- Disposal of Dead Birds is a Concern
- Dr. Jane Goodall Talks About Climate Change and Diet
- E. Coli and raw spinach
- E. coli Loophole
- Earth’s Vital Signs in Bad Shape
- East China Sea is dying
- Eat Less Meat to Save Fossil Fuel
- Eat Less Meat to Save the Planet
- Eat Plant-Based to Help Restore the Environment
- Eat This!
- Eat Your Greens for the Planet
- Eating Fish is Ecological Suicide
- Eating Lower in the Food Ladder
- Eating Lower on the Food Chain is Good for the Planet
- Eating Meat Destroys the Planet
- Eating Meat Has Consequences
- Earth is on Ecological Red
- Eco-friendly Youth Rally Led by Pope Benedict
- Ecocide
- Endangered Aquatic Life
- Environmental Destruction by Animal Agriculture
- Environmental Devastation
- Environmental problems caused by factory farms
- EPA Sued
- Escape from fish farms threatens wild populations
- EU focuses on global warming issue
- European Union concerned for overfishing
- Evangelical Christian Lobbyist
- Evolvepalooza Launches Today!
- Factory Farm Pollution
- Factory Farm Pollution in the US
- Factory Farming Awareness
- Factory Farming Bad for the Whole Planet
- Factory Farming Contributing to Global Poverty
- Factory farming environmental pollution
- Factory Farming is a Major Polluter of Water
- Factory Farming is Not a Good Investment
- Factory Farming Pollutes Water
- Factory Farms are a Public Health Concern
- Factory Farms Are Bad For People Too
- Factory Farms Are Devastating For God’s Creation
- Factory Farms on the Spotlight Again
- Farm animals going extinct
- Farmageddon: The True Cost of Cheap Meat
- Fat to fuel
- Feds Say Vegan Diet Best for Planet
- Fight Climate Change, Eat Less Meat - Video
- Findings on Climate Change
- Firefighter Foam Used to Kill Poultry
- Fish Farms Are Like Floating Pig Farms
- Fishing industry news
- Fishing Industry to Collapse within Decades
- Flu virus can survive in frozen lakes
- Food, Faith, Animals and Environment
- Food by the Numbers video
- Food Matters to Environmental Health
- Former Vice-President of Taiwan Calls for a Reduction in Meat Consumption
- Free bird-flu book and video on-line
- Freshwater Ecosystems Collapsing
- Funny Animal Planet Video
- Gene Baur on The Daily Show
- Giant Tuna Numbers About to Collapse
- Glenn Beck on Al Gore Avoiding an Inconvenient Truth
- Global Warming
- Global Warming - Did you know?
- Global Warming Affects Biodiversity
- Global Warming Affects Humans, Too
- Global Warming and Decrease in Polar Bear Numbers
- Global Warming and Meat-Based Diets
- Global Warming Consequences
- Global Warming in 26 Seconds
- Global Warming Increases Poverty Worldwide
- Global Warming is a Real Threat
- Global Warming Worsening
- Good News for Fish and the Environment
- Grass-Fed Beef is Not Good for the Planet
- Grass-Fed is Worse for the Environment
- Great Britain might consider food rationing
- Great Britain New “Green” Labels
- “Green” Faith
- Growing Risk of Bird Flu Pandemic
- Half of Fish Gone
- Hard-To-Swallow Hooks Safe for Turtles
- Help the Planet, Switch to a Plant-Based Diet
- High Levels of Mercury, Arsenic and Selenium in Fish
- Hog Farmers More Dangerous than Bin Laden
- How bad US factory farms are
- How to Curb Global Warming
- How to Eat Mindfully
- How to Feed the World (2009)
- How to Feed the World (2011)
- How to Save the World
- Hudson Valley Foie Gras fined $30,000
- Human Exceptionalism
- Human poison in chicken feed
- Humane farm initiative
- Humanity Should Embrace a Plant-Based Diet
- Humanity’s Survival at Risk
- Iceland faces boycotts
- Iceland resumes commercial whale hunts
- If the World Were Vegetarian
- Illegal Fishing Depleting Seas
- Impact of animal agriculture on the environment
- Industrial Pig Farming
- Insanity!
- Interview with Cowspiracy Filmmakers
- Iowa’s Big Pig Problem
- Is there “organic” fish?
- It’s Madness!
- James Cameron: Go Vegan and Save the Planet
- James Cameron: How to Save the Planet
- James Cameron on the Destructiveness of the Animal Agriculture Industry
- Japan cuts short whale hunt
- Japan Prepares for Whale Hunting
- Jaw-dropping animated video on overfishing – It’s time for a change video
- John Robbins
- Jonathan Foley's TED Talk: The Other Inconvenient Truth
- Kyokuyo Co. Ltd. Faces Pressure to Stop Selling Whale Meat
- Lake Sturgeon on the verge of extinction
- Latest news of Amazon basin soy production
- Leave Meat Off Your Plate to Help the Planet
- Less Meat, Less Greenhouse Gases
- Live Earth Controversy
- Living beyond the Earth’s means
- Living Close to a Factory Farm
- Living Donkey Ad
- Livestock Greenhouse Gases Contribution
- Local or Less Meat?
- LOVE the Earth
- Making Cows Burp Less
- Making Cows More Like Cangaroos
- "Making the Connection" Video
- Map of U.S. Factory Farms
- Meatpacking Plant Contaminates Air
- Meat-based diet and global warming
- Meat–eating environmentalist?
- Meat and Global Warming
- Meat Consumption Increases Global Warming
- Meat Industry Lacks Inspectors
- Meat Plant Burns Gas from Beef Waste
- Meat-Production Is Bad For The Planet
- Meat, Deforestation and Flooding
- Meat's Not Green
- Mega dairy farm pollution
- Methane Emission by Animal Agriculture
- Mexican Dairy Farming Threatens Mexico's Rare Desert Oasis
- Misconceptions about Agriculture
- More cattle in feedlots as the drought continues
- More “dead zones” in the oceans
- More Meat, More Greenhouse Gases
- More on fish depletion
- Mother Jones helps expose a loophole the livestock industry uses to hide the terrible pollution it produces
- Mercury in Fish
- Mutant Fish Due to the Factory Farming Runnoff
- No-Beef Climate Solution
- No Impact Man
- North Carolina’s Hog Farms Are A Public Health
- Norway's whalers won permits
- Obesity worldwide on the rise
- Ocean Depletion
- Ocean life could collapse by 2048
- Ocean Requiem Video
- OFE’s Permit Revocation Reversed
- On stewardship
- One third of all fish species in China’s Yellow River are lost
- Organic Dairy Farm Not Following Organic Rules
- Our Oceans Are Dying - 90% of BIG Fish Are Gone - What Are We Doing? Video
- Our Place in the Biosphere
- Our Planet – Being the Best Steward You Can Be
- Overfishing
- Over fishing consequences
- Overfishing in the US
- Over-fishing problems
- Overuse of antibiotics
- Paying Farmers to Protect the Environment
- People of faith speak up
- PETA Suggests Tax Breaks for Vegetarians
- Philippines Bans Fishing
- Pig excrement into electric power
- Pig Farm Explosions
- Pig Farms Allowed to Pollute the Air
- Pig Manure into Energy
- Plan to save tuna fish not effective
- Planet Earth - As We Eat Our Way To Extinction Video
- Planet Earth Being Depleted
- Polar bears and global warming
- Pollution Locator
- Pork producer loses lawsuit
- Possible Emission Rules Exemptions for Farms
- Poultry Industry Pollution
- President Bush signs legislation to prevent overfishing
- Presidential Candidates on Climate Change
- Questionable agricultural practices in China
- Racing Extinction Video
- Raising God’s Animals for Food is Devastating for the Planet
- Raising Livestock Destroys the Environment
- Reduce Meat Consumption to Save the Planet
- Religious Conference on Protecting Creation
- Renewal in pig manure
- Rise in seafood poisoning
- Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind
- Save the Planet!
- School in California Going Vegan
- Seafloor carnage: the truth about bottom trawling video
- Sex-changing substances found in the Potomac River
- Sharks Closer to Extinction
- Sharks in danger
- Steps to Fight Global Warming
- Stop Eating God’s Animals to Save Water
- Stewards of the Earth
- Supermarket chains urge the UN to curb tuna catch
- Swine Factory Farms Affecting Poor People’s Lives Negatively and Damaging the Environment
- The Air We Breath
- The Animal Agriculture Industry Endangers Biodiversity
- The Benefits of Not Eating Animals
- The Devastation Caused by Factory Farms
- The Earth is Getting Hotter and Hotter
- The effect of global warming on ocean life
- The Hazards of Liquid Manure Tanks
- The Hog Industry’s Big Problem
- The Many Problems with Grass-Fed Beef
- The Most Pressing Ethical Issue
- The Most Shocking 1.5 Minute Video the World Must See! Video
- The Pope’s Environmental Plea
- The Reality Behind Factory Farms
- The road to ethical eating
- The Science Underminers: Book Recommendation
- The Solution to Global Warming
- The Wasteful and Cruel Fishing Industry
- The weight of public opinion
- This is HUGE - The Chinese government released a set of dietary guidelines that recommends citizens consume less meat to protect the environment
- Thom Hartmann Talks Vegan
- Three species of shark endangered
- Trawling threatens turtle nesting
- Tuna fish quota halved in Japan
- Tuna Stock Rapidly Declining
- Two Poultry Processors being Sued for Environmental Damage
- Tyson Fined For Contaminating River
- UN Advocates the Transition to a Plant-Based Diet
- UN Favors Plant-Based Diets
- UN Says to Tax Livestock
- United Egg Producers’ New Vision
- Unreliable pollution reports
- New USDA Animal Research Facility
- UN Advocates the Transition to a Plant-Based Diet
- US involvement in protecting ocean life
- US Religious Leaders Unite to Confront Global Warming
- US Religious Leaders Unite Against Global Warming
- US scientist and evangelical joining efforts
- USDA Doesn’t Care About the Environment
- USDA to the Rescue of Big Ag
- Vegan Diet Good for the Planet!
- Vegan diet would benefit the environment
- Vegan Is Good for the Environment
- Vegans Present During Climate Marches
- Vegans Produce the Least Amount of Greenhouse Gases
- Vegetarian for the Earth
- Veg for the Environment
- Want to End World Hunger?
- Warning about Global Warming
- Waste Run-off Might Cause Amphibian Deformity
- We Are Officially In Ecological Overdraft
- What is ethical living?
- What is Factory Farming? - Us and the Planet video
- What Is In Your Grocery Bag?
- What is Really Behind Grass-Fed Beef?
- What to Eat (video)
- We can eat anything with four legs, except the table
- When Leaving Near a Factory Farms Makes You Sick
- Where is all the Grain Going?
- Where your tax dollars might go
- World Bank on Climate Change video
- Why Go Vegan?
- Why Have Christians Not Embraced Environmentalism?
- World’s churches concerned about the environment
- World Crops Decline due to Global Warming
- Wyoming Criminalized Gathering Environmental Data
- You Can't Be a Meat-Eating Environmentalist
- Zombie chickens