- Activist Feedback
- Essay: All Are Responsible
- This
Week’s Sermon from Rev. Frank and Mary Hoffman
1. Activist Feedback
Rick Hershey, who leafleted with Chip
at a Newsboys concert in Springfield, IL on 10/27, writes:
Chip and I leafleted to a receptive crowd at Prairie Capitol
Convention Center. Our location was extremely conducive for
leafleting, and we were able to reach out to roughly 90% of the
attendees. However, the event was not well attended and we
handed out 520 booklets.
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2. Essay: All Are Responsible
Abraham Joshua Heschel said, “Some are guilty. All are responsible.”
Heschel’s comment is reminiscent of a quote from Edmund Burke, who
said, “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is that good
men should do nothing.”
While I think all people could well
reflect on this wisdom, I think that it particularly applies to
Christians who believe that we should make “disciples of all nations”
(Matthew 28:19). In this passage, Jesus encourages followers to
baptize people throughout the world, but to be a Christian means
following Christ’s example, in other words leading a Christ-like life.
I am not alone in thinking that the greatest test of whether one has
truly embraced Christ is how one relates to nonhuman persons. Nonhuman
persons are unable to defend themselves, and it takes a degree of
self-control and some humility to resist the temptation to abuse them
for entertainment, status clothing, food preferences, etc. Further,
because nonhuman persons can’t advocate effectively on their own
behalf, they will continue to be victimized by those who are cruel or
callous if we who call ourselves Christian don’t defend them.
Failure to protect vulnerable individuals is a sin of omission, in
contrast to acts of commission, such as those who actively abuse
nonhuman persons. Are sins of omission less blameworthy than sins of
commission? Is one more lacking in compassion than the other? I’ll
explore these questions next week.
Stephen R. Kaufman, M.D.
3. This Week’s Sermon from Rev. Frank and Mary Hoffman
The Living Active Word of God