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Update Newsletters
6 May 2007 Issue

1. CVA Outreach

2. The May Issue of The Peaceable Table Is Now Available.

3. CVA Board Member Rev. George H. Malkmus Presentation in Cleveland

4. Christianity and Violence: Animal Issues, part 1

1. CVA Outreach
Georgia in Gilbertsville, PA writes: We just set up an Earth Day/Global Warming exhibit at our library and we included the CVA booklet. Just wanted you to know :)

Malory, leafleting at a Step It Up (National Day of Climate Action on April 14th, 2007), writes: It was amazing. I met some great contacts and distributed A TON of information. I loved talking to other people.

Some Upcoming Events for Which We Need Leafleting Volunteers

5/18 MA Boston Flyleaf Christian Rock Concert
5/18-19 MT Billings Women of Faith Conference
5/18 AZ Prescott Valley Rebecca St James Mother/Daughter Event
5/19 NY Clifton Park Flyleaf Christian Rock Concert
5/19 CA Pasadena The Rosary Bowl-FREE! A World at Prayer Is a World at Peace
5/19 TX Corpus Christi Mercy Me Christian Rock Concert
5/19 MI Battle Creek CeCe Winans Christian Concert
5/22 OH Cleveland Flyleaf Christian Rock Concert
5/23 KY Louisville Flyleaf Christian Rock Concert
5/24 PA Monroeville CeCe Winans Christian Concert
5/25-27 CA San Diego Spirit West Coast Christian Music Festival
5/25 NB Omaha Flyleaf Christian Rock Concert
5/28 TX El Paso Flyleaf Christian Rock Concert
5/30 FL Panama City CeCe Winans Christian Concert
5/31 CO Denver Flyleaf Christian Rock Concert

In Canada:
5/20 CAN BC Chilliwack Prospera Centre Starfield -Christian Rock
5/26 CAN AB Edmonton Rebecca St James Christian Concert

To find out about all upcoming leafleting and tabling opportunities in your area, join the CVA Calendar Group at http://groups.yahoo.com/group.christian_vegetarian/. Read the home page, and then join. You will then be able to log in anytime to identify upcoming events in your region. Contact Paris at christian_vegetarian@yahoo.com if you might be able to help.

2. The May Issue of The Peaceable Table Is Now Available.
Contents include:

* Peter Singer looks from several angles at the often-heard protest "Animals eat other animals, so why shouldn't we eat them?"

* One of the NewsNotes tells of agribusiness giant Cargill's plans to phase out crates for pregnant pigs.

* In a Gem by Matthew Scully, we hear of the penchant of factory farm owners to give their institutions charming, countrified names like Clear Run Farms and Happy Valley.

* One of the books reviewed is For the Prevention of Cruelty, a very readable history of animal activism in the United States from 1866 to 1975.

* Two of the Recipes are a very special shepherd's pie and an irresistible chocolate cake. If you have them both at the same meal, you will think you died and went to heaven.

You can read this issue at http://www.vegetarianfriends.net/issue32.html 

Peace and love to all beings,
Gracia Fay Ellwood, Editor

3. CVA Board Member Rev. George H. Malkmus Presentation in Cleveland
How to Eliminate Sickness Seminar

Cleveland, OH, Thursday, May 17th, 2007 6:30pm-9:30pm

Smoothies & Genesis Bars sold starting at 5:45 pm

Free-Love Offering will be taken

Plymouth Church of Shaker Heights

2860 Coventry Road

Shaker Hts., OH 44120

Biographical Sketch

After becoming a Christian in 1957, George H. Malkmus completed four years of schooling in preparation for the ministry. During his 30 years of ministry, he pastored churches in New York, North Carolina and Florida. In 1970, he founded the Greater Glens Falls Baptist Church in Glens Falls, New York -- a church that grew in six years from nothing to over 600 members. He also founded a Christian School and Bible Institute as part of this ministry.

However, at the peak of his ministry, at age 42, he was faced with a life threatening physical problem. He had recently lost his mother to colon cancer, and now he was facing the same diagnosis. His mother, being a registered nurse, accepted the traditional medical treatment of chemotherapy, radiation and surgery with very devastating results. Because of his mother’s bad experience with the medical treatments, he sought an alternative. In his search he contacted a friend, Evangelist Lester Roloff, who encouraged him to change his diet rather than accept the traditional medical treatments. Over night he changed his diet and almost immediately began to get well. Within one year, not only was his cancer gone but so were all of his other physical problems. Since he made the diet and lifestyle change over twenty years ago, he has not experienced any physical problems of any kind -- not even a cold nor taken as much as an aspirin. Now in his sixties, he has more energy than he did as a teenager did.

As a result of this experience over twenty-five years ago, he has been studying and researching diet and lifestyle from a Biblical perspective. Based on his research and experience, he and his wife, Rhonda, initiated Hallelujah Acres in 1992 as a Christian health ministry to help alleviate the suffering they were seeing in the lives of so many people. Their goal is to help lead people away from the world’s diet and back to God’s original diet for mankind. They have brought new hope and health to multitudes with the message, “You do not have to be sick.” Rev. Malkmus has taken his ministry to the world with seminars, newsletters, books, tapes and radio and television appearances, including the 700 Club, TBN, and COPE. Since 1993, Rev. Malkmus has published Back to the Garden, a free newsletter that goes out to more than 200,000 households. His books – The Hallelujah Diet, Why Christians Get Sick, God’s Way to Ultimate Health, and You Don't Have to Be Sick! A Christian Health Primer – have had an incredible impact. Every day, hundreds of people write or call Hallelujah Acres to say how these books have changed their lives.

In the midst of all of his writings and publications, he established a training program for Health Ministers to help spread the Health Message. Over 5000 people from all walks of life (doctors, registered nurses, pastors, lay people, etc.) have completed this training program and now help share the health message with others.

Presently Rev. Malkmus is fulfilling the dream of “Hallelujah Acres” by proclaiming the message “You Don't Have to Be Sick” to the world as he travels throughout the country delivering his “How to Eliminate Sickness” seminar to churches and other interested groups in person and by television and radio. His books and newsletters are virtually going around the world. You can visit us online at http://www.hacres.com.

Julie Wandling, HM

4. Christianity and Violence: Animal Issues, part 1

[This series reflects my views and not "official" CVA positions. It is being archived at http://www.christianveg.org/violence_view.htm.]

[This essay on animal issues has been divided into three parts. While many thoughtful social scientists have reflected on violence toward humans, few have attempted to apply their insights to animal issues. This essay follows last week’s thoughts on liberalism and conservatism.]

Neither liberalism nor conservatism inherently favors animal protectionism. Both can advance or impede the work of animal defenders. Many animal advocates are liberals who see animal protectionism as a logical extension of equal consideration for humans. They argue that we should include animals within our circle of compassion for the same reasons that we include humans – moral consideration for humans does not depend on their mental or physical attributes. Consequently, moral consideration for animals should depend on morally relevant features, such as the ability to experience pain and/or pleasure1 or for an animal to be able to experience being “a subject of a life.”2 However, most liberals have had little interest in animal issues. This also seems to be true of most liberal Christians, who have tend to fix their regard on humanity, rather than seeing all Creation as valuable.

Conservatives, as discussed above, tend to support existing institutions. Perhaps, some conservatives fear that more equal consideration between species will make it more difficult to justify inequalities among people. However, some conservatives have embraced animal advocacy, notably Matthew Scully, a former speechwriter for President George W. Bush, whose book Dominion: The Power of Man, the Suffering of Animals, and the Call to Mercy3 has received wide attention and praise in conservative publications. From the perspective of the scapegoating process, I see animal advocacy as potentially appealing to conservatives, because animals do not seem to have sufficient moral understanding to “deserve” ill-treatment. This view, which regards animals as inferior, does not lend itself well to animal rights, but it does favor animal welfare. Those who take animal welfare seriously4 often call for dramatic changes in the way people treat animals. Such animal welfare advocates would countenance harming animals only when absolutely necessary, which is uncommon in the West, and they would place a high priority on minimizing animal suffering.

1. Singer, Peter. Animal Liberation. New York: Avon Books, 1991.

2. Regan, Tom. The Case for Animal Rights. Berkeley, CA: University of California Press, 1983.

3. Scully, Matthew. Dominion: The Power of Man, the Suffering of Animals, and the Call to Mercy. New York: St. Martins Press, 2002.

4. Many animal-use industries have claimed to be concerned about animal welfare, but it has been my impression that this has generally been false posturing.

Stephen R. Kaufman, M.D.

Your question and comments are welcome

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