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Christian Vegetarian Association Presents:
Take Heart!
First “Ag-gag” Prosecution

The first case of someone being prosecuted after videotaping an incident taking place in a slaughterhouse in Utah is making headlines. Amy Meyer, a woman who wanted to see what happened in a slaughterhouse, witnessed through barb-wire fence a scene that disturbed her and prompted her to videotape it on her cell phone. “A live cow who appeared to be sick or injured being carried away from the building in a tractor,” Meyer said, “as though she were nothing more than rubble.” However, even though she never trespassed she is now being prosecuted under the state’s new “ag-gag” law.

Please visit First "Ag-Gag" Prosecution: This Utah Woman Filmed a Slaughterhouse from the Public Street:
Profit has trumped ethics and compassion. It’s downright appalling that the very corrupt animal agriculture industry continues to use tactics to silence people who just want to expose what is obviously wrong. Once again, very clearly, the animal agriculture industry is saying that they have much to hide.
Christians should not support an industry that inflicts egregious cruelty to God’s animals and goes through extreme lengths to hide it from consumers. If we do, it shows we really don’t care about the suffering of God’s creatures. It also shows that we are choosing taste and convenience over compassion and mercy.

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