Dan Murphy, a defender of animal agriculture, writes on Drovers
(an Ag journal) about the closure of the CA slaughterhouse after
allegations of animal abuse. Murphy, surprisingly, refers to the
dairy industry in a very real way: an industry that too often
exploits animals without any concern of their well-being, who as a
result, end up with “weak, worn out and often struggling to remain
ambulatory during transport to the increasingly few, distant cow
Please visit Commentary: When the cows come home:
I applaud Dan Murphy for stating what should be evident to
everyone: dairy cows are one of the most abused animals in the food
industry. They are impregnated year after year, their milk and their
babies are stolen from them, they suffer mutilations without
anesthesia, they live under confinement, fear and pain; and at the
end of their lives, when they can no longer produce anymore milk or
have anymore babies, they are sent to slaughter to die in horrific
ways. Somehow, dairy products just don’t seem worth the suffering;
and clearly, the dairy industry makes a mockery of God’s love for
farmed animals.
Your question and comments are welcome