Mark Bittman, Opinion columnist and the Times magazine’s food
columnist, explains why eating meat is not only unhealthy and
unsustainable, but most importantly, damaging to our psyque. Bittman
points out that in order to continue eating meat from factory farmed
animals we have to ignore the connection between their suffering and
our benefit. In fact, the mere reason that animal-based agribusiness
keeps the process hidden from the public, explains why so many people
are unable to make this connection.
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The Human Cost of Animal Suffering:
The cost of animal suffering to humanity is great. In fact, many
times the evildoer suffers more than the victim. There is abundant
evidence indicating that eating animals and their by-products causes
much disease and suffering in humans, causes much environmental
degradation and sadly, much insensitivity. The latter might be the
most problematic since it affects not only the way we treat God’s
animals, but also the way we treat our fellow humans.
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