Former vegan Andrew Plotsky decided to leave his job as a barista in
a coffee shop to learn the process of raising an animal, slaughtering it
and butchering it for a meal. Plotsky meant to stay at Vashon Island, WA
for a week learning to butcher farm animals from Brandon and Lauren
Sheard [] and document the
process. However, he ended up staying for two years and in this article
he shares what the killing involves.
Please visit How One Former Vegan Learned To Embrace Butchering:
I believe the change in Plotsky explains that it is possible to
harden one's heart and actually choose to create suffering and death
unnecessarily. Maybe the power he has over his innocent victims is
enjoyable to him. Hopefully more people will see this conversion as a
step away from Jesus' teachings of compassion, mercy and love.
Your question and comments are welcome