Five Facts About The Animal Agriculture Industry
5@5, a daily food-related list from chefs, writers, political
pundits, musicians, actors, and any opinionated people from around the
globe, had Bruce Friedrich, senior director for strategic initiatives at
Farm Sanctuary, share some insight about the animal agriculture industry
that might be hidden from most people. Friedrich shares for example that
although most people perceive the veal industry being more abusive than
the egg industry, the opposite is true. To learn more please visit 5@5 -
How Animals Are Raised for Food
More often and in more ways than ever the victimization of God’s
farmed animals is exposed, thus encouraging people to hopefully
reconsider their food choices taking into account the deep effect these
choices have on animals, our health and the environment. Spiritually
speaking, the unnecessary abuse and killing of God’s creatures is of
grave consequences as it leads us to go against the core of our Faith:
Jesus’ teachings on compassion, mercy and love.
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