“Globally Significant” Marine Extinction
Over-fishing, pollution, loss of habitat and climate change are
causing devastation in the ocean where many species are at the brink of
commercial extinction. The International Programme on the State of the
Ocean.org has issued a report stating the catastrophic effects of
irresponsible human activity that may cause much hardship to the
generations to come. This report urges authorities and people everywhere
to act rapidly and accordingly in order to prevent "globally
significant" marine extinction.
To read the article, please search online for
Our legacy: a dead ocean?
We might be at a point of no return, where the consequences of our
actions will prove too detrimental for our planet and its inhabitants.
What does it say about us, stewards of God’s Creation, that we would
rather seek pleasure, profit and power - in spite of the suffering we
cause - than to make mindful choices that would benefit everyone? Our
actions and choices ought to be aligned with our Faith, and clearly,
what we are doing to the ocean and marine creatures goes against
Christ’s teachings of compassion, mercy, love and justice. In fact, we
should be ashamed of how trivially we have handled the sacred task of
caring for God’s Creation! .
Your question and comments are welcome