This Week's Video
The Humane Society of the United States released shocking undercover
video footage from its recent investigation at a Virginia pig factory
farm owned by a subsidiary of Smithfield Foods, the world's largest pork
The video shows disturbing cruelty such as extreme confinement in
"gestation crates", untreated injuries and open pressure sores that
developed from their merciless confinement, and pigs seen engaging in
disturbed behaviors, such as repeated bar biting, indicating severe
distress. Some had even bitten so hard and frequently that blood from
their mouths coated the fronts of their crates.
Piglets are taken from their mothers when they are as young as 10
days old and packed into overcrowded pens after having their tails cut
off, their teeth clipped and their testicles ripped out of their bodies
without any painkillers.
After five or six months of this torture they are loaded onto
transport trucks and shipped to slaughter.
To watch the undercover video and read the article please search
online for Undercover Investigation Reveals
Routine Cruelty to Pigs at World's Largest Pork Producer.
Your question and comments are welcome