Good News for Tasmanian Pigs
Pigs are among the most intelligent and sensitive species on the
planet, and yet have been subjected to one of the cruelest practices
ever inflicted on farmed animals: gestational crates or sow stalls
where sows are confined in tiny crates, unable even to turn around
for months on end, denying them from practically any movement and
the exercise of their natural instincts.
However, consistent with international precedents, the Tasmanian
government (Australia) will implement a phase out of sow stalls with
a total ban in 2017. This decision came after a state-wide newspaper
advertising blitz by Animals Australia and Brightside Farm
Sanctuary, depicting sows in these cruel conditions.
To read the full article please search online for
Victory! Pigs to be Freed from Sow Stalls in
This is great news for God's Creation where every step towards
alleviating animal suffering brings peace and reconciliation to