Take Heart!

Take Heart!
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Christian Vegetarian Association Presents:
Take Heart!

The Cruel Reality Behind Animal Transport

Most people are unaware of the barbaric, cruel and long transport that animals suffer from farms to slaughterhouses. After a secret investigation by 10 major animal charities, including the RSCPA, Compassion in World Farming and the World Society for the Protection of Animals (WSPA), the shocking evidence of their suffering has been revealed. In the footage obtained, animals including horses, pigs, sheep and chickens are seen being transported thousands of miles across the world, experience unimaginable suffering and many times finding death before reaching their destination.

To read the full article please visit Exposed: The long, cruel road to the slaughterhouse Footage (graphic) is also available in the same page.

There is no excuse for the brutal treatment God's animals raised for food receive at the hands of humans, who supposedly are called to show compassion and mercy to all creatures. The meat industry, coupled with the consumers who support it, have made animals' lives a living hell on Earth. We could all help alleviate the suffering of these creatures by transitioning to a healthy, balanced and delicious plant-based diet.

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