Trawling threatens turtle nesting
Olive Ridley turtles’ famous
nesting site in India's coastal state of Orissa is under threat due
to trawling. Orissa is one of the few remaining mass nesting sites
for the Olive Ridleys in the world and scientists believe that
thousands of turtles are caught and drowned in the nets of illegal
According to Biswajit Mohanty of
the Society of Orissa, "We are very convinced turtles will
eventually abandon the nesting beach," he said. "They are
never going to adapt to that level of disruption."
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To learn key facts about Olive
Ridley turtles please visit
The fishing industry is
contributing to the disappearance of aquatic creatures and
disrupting their environment. As long as humanity puts pleasure and
profit before compassion and responsibility, we are failing to be
good stewards of God’s Creation; thus causing misery to ourselves
and the rest of God’s creatures. The transition to a plant-based
diet could help reverse the damage done to the environment.