Merge of mega pig companies
The US pig industry is following the trend of the poultry industry in
that it is vertically integrated. Smithfield Foods Inc. agreed to buy
No. 2 U.S. hog-farm operator Premium Standard Farms Inc. for $652
million in stock and cash. This trend follows the reasoning that this
industry would rather slaughter their own livestock than buying from
independent farmers. Once the deal in finalized, Smithfield would own
nearly 20% of the nation's pigs and control 31% of the nation's
pork-slaughtering capacity.
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The animal industries focus on maximizing profit without taking into
account the pain and suffering of the animals involved or even the fate
of small family farms where animals are treated humanely or less abused.
Honoring God’s creation is to live as lovingly as possible, with as much
compassion as possible towards all beings, in as much harmony and peace
as possible.
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