Horse slaughter in Canada
On the September 17th issue of Canada’s Winnipeg Free Press, a
three-page article examined and exposed the issue of the horse-meat
industry in Canada, from transport to slaughter. There are three horse
slaughter plants in Canada where mostly unwanted foals (from the
Pregnant Mare Urine industry to make Premarin, a drug for menopausal
women) and former race horses end up being shipped to even from the US.
In fact, the number of live horses imported to Canada in 2003 was
21,434, in 2004 it was 19,725 and last year 17,324, almost all from the
US, according to Agriculture Canada.
Most people are unaware of the suffering these animals go through
during transport and at the slaughter-house. The Winnipeg Free Press
article explained in detail how horses are handled, transported and
slaughtered, with so much detail – including photos – that any reader
would be scandalized by the cruelty and violence involved. No wonder why
the horse meat-packing business has tried to keep it as secret as
possible, since most people recognize horses as companion animals and
not as food.
To view the article with photos you’d need to subscribe for free at
Alternatively, the article, without photos, can be found at
Hopefully, articles like this one will raise awareness on the
horse-slaughter issue. Everybody has the right to know how animals are
treated in today’s society and to be given the chance to do what Jesus
calls us to do: love them and take care of them as our Creator would.
Your question and comments are welcome