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CVA Blog
Monday, December 17, 2007

How do We Relate to God’s Animals?

Welcome to the weekly CVA blog!  In it you will find famous quotes, news and commentaries.

1. Seeking Protection for Poultry

2. Famous quote  Thomas Edison (1847 –1931), one of the most prolific inventors in history,  holding 1,093 U.S. patents in his name.

3. Farmers’ Moral Dilemma

4. Bible verse – John 14:6

5. Killing a Turkey

6. Bigeye Tuna Numbers Close to Collapse 

1. Seeking Protection for Poultry:  The Humane Society sued the U.S. Department of Agriculture two years ago asking for poultry to be covered by the nearly 50-year-old Humane Methods of Slaughter Act, which says livestock must be stunned or rendered unable to feel pain before they're killed. Last week, the San Francisco's U.S. District Court Judge, Marilyn Hall Patel, heard arguments concerning the inclusion of turkeys under that Act. HSUS' lawyers want birds to be included; however, attorneys for the USDA believe poultry are already mentioned in other laws Congress passed in which they intended to include the birds. Richard Lobb of the National Chicken Council said, "This is just the kind of campaign [by animal activist organizations] meant to make life difficult for people who turn animals into food."

To read the full article please visit Group calls for humane poultry slaughter in SF federal court

It is shocking that no law exists that protects turkeys, not even at the time of slaughter. This is one more example of the callousness of the meat industry, which sees nothing wrong in exploiting God's animals for profit and taste, while creating intense suffering to them, people's health and the environment.

2. "Non-violence leads to the highest ethics, which is the goal of all evolution. Until we stop harming all other living beings, we are still savages."
 ~ Thomas Edison (
1847 –1931), one of the most prolific inventors in history, holding 1,093 U.S. patents in his name.

3. Farmers’ Moral Dilemma:  Because consumers are getting informed about how animals raised for food are treated in factory farms, farmers have to deal with the moral dilemma of animal exploitation for the sake of taste and profit. However, the ethical relativism of our culture is so prevalent that as Wes Jamison, University of Florida public relations researcher and professor, said "Most consumers are profound hypocrites,"... "They want to have their meat and take it to the vet, too." In fact, Jamison goes a step further and suggests farmers to take a stand by saying, "We need to reassert our right as agriculturalists and say we're proud of what we do. We need to say 'You know what? It takes the death of something for you to live, and we are unashamed.'" 

To read the full article please visit Farmers face dilemma: Animals as meat or pets?

Consumers are slowly waking up to the truth: healthy animals are exploited and killed for the sake of humanity’s taste buds, while others, such as pets, are treated like family and will even get presents this Christmas. This moral dilemma is not only faced by farmers, but by every human who must decide to support the exploitation of God’s animals or choose a compassionate and peaceful plant-based diet. 

4. (RSV) John 14:6
Jesus said to him, "I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father, but by me."

To follow Jesus means to show mercy, compassion and love to all Creation, thus leaving in harmony with all creatures and the environment. This way we reflect God's love for us and Creation.

5. Killing a Turkey:  Bill Lueders, writer for The Daily Page, shared his experience of not only witnessing the slaughtering of an animal for food, but also his participation in it. Not a vegetarian, Lueders, like most people, has been having others kill the animals he eats. He felt ashamed and decided to do it himself and therefore requested help from his friend Ken Wulf, who owned a small family farm, and would allow him to slaughter a turkey for Thanksgiving dinner. When the time came, it turned out than killing the animal was harder than he ever thought.

To read the full article please visit To kill a turkey  

Most people are far removed from their food production, and have never seen an animal being slaughtered. It is a terrifying, brutal process that if everyone witnessed it, many more people would forgo eating animals.

6. Bigeye Tuna Numbers Close to Collapse:  The Bigeye tuna seems destined to become yet another endangered tuna species, since overfishing and poor regulations are bringing numbers down rapidly. Bigeye tuna is highly prized in Japanese sashimi markets and because up to 60% of the Bigeye tuna catch in the Eastern Pacific are small, juvenile fish, before they reach adulthood and breed, the sustainability of tuna stocks is compromised. Moreover, Bigeye tuna are increasingly being taken as bycatch while fishing for Skipjack and Yellowfin tuna.

To read the full article please visit Bigeye tuna now threatened by overfishing

Once again we see the devastating effects of exploiting God's animals. Consumer demand for the flesh and byproducts of God's animals is causing misery to Creation, especially to the future generations that will have to deal with our disobedience to God and our poor stewardship of the Earth’s resources. The transition to a plant-based diet is a God-honoring way to show compassion, mercy and love to all creatures.

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