Take Heart!
From Christian Vegetarian Association (CVA)

This Woman Was Charged as a Criminal for Giving Water to Thirsty Pigs

Anita Krajnc, co-founder and organizer of the “Save” vigils, documentary filmmaker, and journalist, was charged under the Criminal Code with mischief under $5,000 for providing water to thirsty and terrified pigs in a stopped truck en route to their slaughter in Canada. The video shows her pleading with the driver to let her give them some water after he asked her to stop.

Please visit This Woman Was Charged as a Criminal for Giving Water to Thirsty Pigs, sign the petition and share it! 

We live in a world where animals raised for food are mere objects to the animal agriculture industry. It’s so uplifting to learn of so many compassionate people, like Anita Krajn, who are willing to risk much to show kindness to these animals.