Take Heart!
From Christian Vegetarian Association (CVA)
Got Misery?
A new undercover investigation by Mercy For Animals (November 2014) shows workers at
Andrus Farms, a dairy supplier to Great Lakes Cheese—one of the largest
cheese producers in the world—viciously beating, stabbing, and dragging sick
and injured cows. The investigation documented the following:
- Workers viciously kicking and punching cows in their faces and
bodies, beating them with rakes, and stabbing animals with sharp objects
- A “downed” cow being kicked and beaten, having water
forcefullysprayed in her face and nostrils, and being dragged by a rope around her neck
- Workers using pruning shears to cut through the sensitive skin,
nerves, and tailbones of cows without any painkillers
- Sick or injured cows suffering from open wounds, infections,
and serious injuries left to suffer without proper veterinary care.
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