December 2012: The latest undercover video by Mercy for Animals Canada, taken at
Puratone Corp. farm in Alborg, Manitoba [Crated Cruelty: Canada's Pork
Industry Animal Abuse Exposed], shows undeniable egregious cruelty to pigs.
Not surprisingly, an Animal Care Review Panel comprised of three experts,
reviewed the footage at the request of the Canadian pork council and
concluded that, “while some of the animal handling practices shown are
improper, most of what is seen are widely considered acceptable and humane.”
Cruelty to God’s farmed animals is legal and standard around the world. Farm
animals would never willingly accept to be confined, mutilated without
anesthesia, or killed. All sentient beings have God-given instincts and
needs that they want to exercise. When we deny these creatures of this, we
invariably deaden our empathy and compassion. To support the animal
agriculture industry is to support cruelty. There’s simply no way around it.