A new documentary titled Killing Fields: the battle to feed factory farms
– produced by a coalition of pressure groups including Friends of the Earth,
Food and Water Watch and with European coordination by Via Campesina, –
documents the intensive animal farming across the EU, and how the price for
this meat is being paid across Latin America.
The film shows vast plantations of soy in Paraguay principally grown for use
in intensively-farmed animal feed, contributing to social and ecological
problems, including the forced eviction of rural communities, landlessness,
poverty, excessive use of pesticides, deforestation and rising food
Intensive animal agriculture is devastating to God’s Creation. It’s
sickening people, it’s creating hell on earth for God’s animals and it is
destroying the environment. Those who support this industry must realize the
extent of its negative effects; hopefully, before it’s too late for the
generations to come.
Read more at Animal Issues