Weekly Newsletter from Christian Vegetarian Association CVA - January 31, 2025
From Christian Vegetarian Association (CVA)

  1. Faith of Christ and Capitalism, Part 3
  2. All-Creatures.Org Ministry

1. Faith of Christ and Capitalism, Part 3

I last discussed some merits of capitalism, including its efficient use of resources and how it incentivizes creativity and production of material wealth. Another attribute of capitalism is that, at least in theory, it rewards merit and hard work. To a degree, this is true, but ours is not a complete meritocracy. Those born into wealth, those whose parents are well-educated, those who come from stable home environments, and those whose families enjoy political connections are far more likely to succeed than those coming from significantly less advantageous conditions. Many people, as they say, were born on third base and thought they hit a triple.

Those favoring the status quo would likely admit that the system is not totally fair, but nobody is barred from success and even those with an advantage at birth must still apply themselves if they hope to win the race. Further, our meritocracy, however imperfect, is far better than other systems that reward mediocracy or strive to handicap those headed toward excellence.

Those who challenge the current "meritocratic" order lose the moral high ground if they endorse humanity's abuse of nonhumans. Just as it is arguably unjust for humans to have a harder road to success on account of their parents' standing in society, nonhumans suffer grievously for being born as members of species that currently have little power. Meanwhile, those who defend the current meritocratic order assert that, for all its imperfections, it is the best we can do. They make a mockery of their claimed concern for those who have less fortune if they countenance the intentional and unnecessary abuse of those among the least fortunate - nonhumans.

Stephen R. Kaufman, M.D.

2. From All-Creatures.Org Ministry

All-Creatures.org Newsletter, January 15, 2025

The emotional toll of witnessing animal injustice secondhand - Little Red Hat [children's book] - how to prepare your pet for a natural disaster - why cats meow at humans - an introvert's perspective on leafleting - how to be a likeable vegan - a heartbreaking glimpse into the devastating reality of the LA fires - the relationship between animal exploitation and white nationalism - and more...

All-Creatures.org Newsletter, January 22, 2025

How wildfires impact wildlife - alternatives to animal testing - celebrating Coretta Scott King - intersectionality and animals - Dr. Will Tuttle's vegan journey - Gaia [poem by J.H. Dickinson] - Elon Musk's brain experiments on monkeys - the importance of consistent anti-oppression - Dr. Milton Mills discusses being a Black, vegan doctor during Trump's first term - resources for bringing veganism to your place of worship - and more...

All-Creatures.org Newsletter, January 29, 2025

The important ecological role of snakes - new paintings from Barry Kent MacKay - the growing profession of Animal Chaplaincy - Secondhand Stories chicken sanctuary - One Health: Veterinary, Ethical and Environmental Perspectives [book] - how to eat ayurvedically and vegan - can new species be described without being killed? - meat eating contributes to world hunger - new research sheds light on how cats play - and more...

Do you have things that you would like to see included in future newsletters? Then send it to us at maddie@all-creatures.org.

In the Love of the Lord,
Frank L. Hoffman


Tams Nicholson
Executive Director

2025 Newsletters Archive