2012 Newsletters

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CVA Weekly Newsletter
April 11, 2012

  1. Activist Feedback
  2. Comment on the Essay “Should We Attend Meat-Eating Churches?”
  3. Essay: The Faith of Christ
  4. Resurrection Day Sermon from Rev. Frank and Mary Hoffman
  5. Web Site of Interest
  6. The April “Peaceable Table” Is Now On-Line

1. Activist Feedback
Clayton, who leafleted at Winter Jam Christian Rock Fest on March 31, writes:

I arrived an hour before the event and, within 20 minutes or so, depleted about half the box of 300 pamphlets I was provided. Most responses during these first 20 minutes were rather positive. A number of folks seemed interested and even surprised to see vegetarianism in a Christian context. Those who declined the pamphlet responded politely with "No thanks" or simply shook their heads.

The second half-hour of the distribution was slightly less positive. A number of the responses from passers-by seemed subtly snide. A common response made by those (mostly women) declining the pamphlet was "I like meat," followed by (nervous?) chuckling. A couple of people even looked disgusted or genuinely annoyed.

Despite a few annoying replies, the overall experience was rewarding. Most were receptive and nearly all of the pamphlets were handed out (I kept 5 for my church clergy). I look forward to helping out again.   

Upcoming Activist Opportunities

4/20-21   FL Pensacola       Extraordinary Women Conference
4/20-21   FL Tampa           Acquire the Fire Christian Youth Conference
4/20-21   FL Tampa           Acquire the Fire Youth Conference
4/21      NE Omaha           Women of Faith "Dream On" For Teen Girls
4/21      Tampa                   Tenth Ave North Christian Rock Concert
4/22      CA San Diego       TABLE EarthWorks' EarthFair 2012
4/22      MO St. Louis       TABLE Earth Day Festival
4/26-28   KY Louisville      Joyce Meyers Conference 2012
4/27-28   AL Birmingham      Extraordinary Women Conference
5/27      NY New York        TABLE Veggie Pride Parade NYC 2012
4/27-28   MI Lansing              Acquire The Fire Christian Youth Conference
4/27-28   MD Baltimore       Acquire The Fire Christian Youth Conference
4/28      KY Paducah              Toby Mac A Night of Stories & Songs
4/28-29   CT Hartford             Table CT Vegetarian & Healthy Living Festival
5/4-5         IL Greenville      AgapeFest-Multi time Opps!
5/4-5         GA Barnesville          RUSH Weekend 2012
5/4-5         PA Pittsburgh      Acquire The Fire Youth Conference
5/4-5         CO Denver               Acquire The Fire Youth Conference
5/5       NC Charlotte       Women of Faith Dream On For Teen Girls
5/11          IA Council Bluffs Acquire The Fire Youth Conference
5/17      WA Tacoma               Joyce Meyers Ministries Conference
5/19      CA San Diego       Women of Faith "One Day" Conference
5/19      SC Myrtle Beach         Beach Blast -Third Day
5/20      CA Van Nuys        TABLE WorldFest 2012
5/31-6/2  MN Minneapolis          Joyce Meyers Ministries Conference
6/23      VA Richmond             TABLE Richmond Vegetarian Festival
6/21-24   NC Pittsboro       TABLE Wild Goose Festival

2. Comment on the Essay “Should We Attend Meat-Eating Churches?”
It might be a good idea to attend meat eating churches and be a positive influence but to give our tithes to veggie charities. This way we are not funding meat eating church events, though we can of course contribute by bringing veggie burghers. Also we could contribute by taking lonely or upset fellow church members out for coffee and giving church staff vegan cakes as gifts at Christmas and Easter etc. We can be generous with our resources while not funding meat consumption.
Louise Watt

3. Essay: The Faith of Christ
Last week, I offered some thoughts on the faith of Paul, and this week I will consider the faith of Jesus. Though I think there are significant differences between the nature of Paul’s faith and that of Jesus, there are good reasons to conclude that Paul encouraged followers to have “the faith of Christ.” In the epistles that scholars generally agree were written by Paul (several epistles attributed to Paul were likely written by people who sought to gain wider currency for their ideas by attributing the letters to Paul), he often talked about having what translators have interpreted as “faith in Christ.” However, the Greek could also be understood as “faith of Christ,” and in chapter 6 of my book Guided by the Faith of Christ I give reasons to favor the latter translation.
It is not easy to discern the faith of Christ, and a good scholar of Christianity could write a book exploring the topic. The biblical account describes Jesus as deeply faithful, even choosing to die painfully on the cross in order to abide by God’s will. The Bible validates this faith by describing Jesus as then resurrected, demonstrating God’s love for and commitment to the Son.
Jesus trusted in God, and indeed the Bible describes how God empowered Jesus to perform miracles. However, it appears that Jesus’ trust in God was challenged, because Jesus cried from the cross, “My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?” (Matthew 27:46). Finally, Jesus confirmed his faith in God, saying, “Father, into thy hands I commit my spirit” (Luke 23:46).
Let us now consider the present, 2000 years after these events. Scholars have raised serious doubts about the historical accuracy of the biblical accounts, yet the Bible is our only detailed account of Jesus’ life and teachings. Is Christian faith akin to groundless superstition, or are there good reasons to follow Christ? I will explore this question next week.
Stephen R. Kaufman, M.D.

4. Resurrection Day Sermon from Rev. Frank and Mary Hoffman
The Dawning – The New Enlightenment

5. Web Site of Interest
Vegan Matters To Us http://veganmatters2us.webnode.com/   

6. The April “Peaceable Table” Is Now On-Line
Contents include:
* One of the "NewsNotes" reports on the current efforts to push ag-gag bills in a number of farm states.
*  Judy Carman reminds readers in a "Letter" that the annual massacre of baby seals is underway off the eastern coast of Canada, although the market for seal-fur is collapsing.  She urges us to join in prayers and healing thoughts both for the victims and the perpetrators.
* British activist Marian Hussenbux writes a review of the children's novel Toro! Toro!, set in 1930s Spain, about a boy's love for a calf intended for the bull-ring.  Along the way, she gives some interesting information about the rescued bull featured in last month's "Glimpses of the Peaceable Kingdom."
* Millet and quinoa, two valuable but neglected grains, come together to make up an interesting and delicious entree in one of this month's Recipes.
* "We met in silence, the cows and I," begins the narrator in "Meeting at Glenthorne," one of this month's Poetry selections.  Not only are the cows' eyes "heavy with eternity," but the very earth and sky in the rural scene seem holy.
Toward the Peaceable Kingdom,
Gracia Fay Ellwood, Editor
To read this issue, see http://www.vegetarianfriends.net/issue86.html 

Your question and comments are welcome

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