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Update Newsletters
28 May 2009 Issue

1. Sustaining Membership

2. Christianity and Vegetarianism: Different Perspectives

3. This Week’s Sermon by Rev. Frank and Mary Hoffman

4. Reflections on the Lectionary

1. Sustaining Membership

The CVA needs Sustaining Members, who contribute $25 or more per year to support our ministry. To become a Sustaining Member, you can donate at www.christianveg.org/materials.htm. Sustainers receive the Take Heart! free daily e-note.

Ellen writes: I want to tell you how much I appreciate your sustaining member’s daily email. It's so much better than I was expecting! You're doing a great service providing very current information hand in hand with great inspiration. Thank you so much for this very great service.

2. Christianity and Vegetarianism: Different Perspectives

We encourage people to share how their faith tradition does or does not facilitate advocating for animals and/or vegetarianism. Contact CVA@ChristianVeg.org  with your observations. CVA member Sophia writes:

Within the Orthodox tradition there are certain "authorities" (e.g., Church Fathers) who are quite clear in viewing respectful treatment of animals and vegan eating as absolutely Scripturally based. Thus, within the Orthodox tradition the view that the Bible supports veganism is not a novel interpretation of Scripture, even though there may be resistance to it and even though there may be competing views. Also, nearly half the days of the year are designated in Orthodox tradition as fasting days where abstinence from all animal products--veganism--is prescribed.

3. This Week’s Sermon by Rev. Frank and Mary Hoffman

We Can’t Do It All by Ourselves!

4. Reflections on the Lectionary

John 3:1-18 (May 31)

This passage includes Jesus’ well-known saying, “For God sent the Son into the world, not to condemn the world, but that the world might be saved through him.” I think this passage offers several insights relevant to those who (with strong Biblical support) believe that we as Christians are called to be responsible stewards of God’s Creation.

This verse points us away from the notion that God is focused on meting out harsh punishment for sin and points us toward a notion of a loving God loves who cares about creation. Significantly, the Son is sent to save “the world,” not just humanity. The world includes God’s creatures and God’s good earth, and this verse argues strongly against the human-centered, self-serving worldview articulated by many Christian leaders.

The world has always needed salvation, because outside the Garden of Eden there is pain, suffering, and death. God’s assistance will be necessary before there can be an age when “death shall be no more” (Revelation 21:4), but it seems that our help is needed for this to happen. The need for salvation of the earth has never been greater than now, because of the growing environmental crisis that threatens great harm to God’s Creation, and which might destroy human civilization as we know it.

Stephen R. Kaufman, M.D.

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