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Christian Vegetarian Association
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Update Newsletters
20 April 2008 Issue

1. Sermon by Rev. Hoffman
2. An Animal-Friendly Easter Sermon
3. Free Range Outsells Battery Eggs
4. Activist Feedback
5. Quotable
6. CVA Sustaining Membership
7. Some Upcoming Conferences in the Next Three Months

1. Sermon by Rev. Hoffman

CVA pastor Rev. Frank Hoffman offers the following sermon over the Internet:

When Is a Church Not a Church?


2. An Animal-Friendly Easter Sermon

Bill writes:

I know that sometimes people are discouraged by what is said and done at their churches. I just wanted to report that at our church (Cedar Ridge Community Church, Spencerville, MD) this Easter morning, our pastor (who is a vegetarian) spoke of the beauty of God's creation and how we should care for it. He talked about food in this regard, covering both cruelty and the use of chemicals, and suggesting that people should think about these before deciding what to eat. He specifically mentioned the horrible conditions of chickens, confined to cages and having their beaks cut off, and asked congregants to think about that before eating chicken or eggs.

3. Free Range Outsells Battery Eggs

Guardian 1.4.08

For the first time (in recent years), more free range eggs were bought in UK than battery eggs, says the British Egg Information Service.

Some applaud this reduction in the use of the cruel battery cages, but others think such reforms are impediments to animal liberation. What are your thoughts? Selected comments sent to cva@christianveg.org  will be posted in future e-newsletters.

4. Activist Feedback

Leafleting at the BattleCry Recreate Youth Conference in Dallas, TX, Susan writes:

I wanted you to know that this leafleting went very well. Amy and her son George, Sherrie, and I were there for about an hour. We passed out all 1200 booklets. Everyone was very pleasant, other than the organizers who, for some reason, did not understand that a public sidewalk is public property.

Thanks for all your work to make this a more compassionate world!

To find out about all upcoming leafleting and tabling opportunities in your area, join the CVA Calendar Group at http://groups.yahoo.com/group.christian_vegetarian/ . Read the home page, and then join. You will then be able to log in anytime to identify upcoming events in your region. Contact Paris at christian_vegetarian@yahoo.com if you might be able to help.

5. Quotable

The people who profit by exploiting large numbers of animals do not need our approval. They need our money. The purchase of the corpses of the animals they rear is the only support the factory farmers ask from the public.

Peter Singer, Animal Liberation

6. CVA Sustaining Membership

The CVA offers Sustaining Membership to those paying our $25 annual subscription. In addition to the weekly e-newsletter available to all members, Sustaining Members receive the Take Heart! daily e-messages, which include inspirational comments, biblical commentary, health tips, an advice column, and recipes.

To become a Sustaining Member, go to our membership page, and fill out the form, which will take you to the dues-paying section. Or, you can send a check to CVA, PO Box 201791, Cleveland, OH 44120. Donations to the CVA are tax-deductible.

7. Some Upcoming Conferences in the Next Three Months

Their Lives, Our Voices, 6/6-8, Minneapolis, MN, sponsored by Compassionate Action for Animals, www.tlov.org.

Vegetarian Summerfest, 6/18-22, Johnston, PA, sponsored by North American Vegetarians Society www.vegetariansummerfest.org.

Taking Action for Animals 7/19-21, Arlington, VA, sponsored by Humane Society of the United States, www.takingactionforanimals.org.   

Your question and comments are welcome

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