Christ is risen!
1. Leafleting Feedback
2. Looking for Musicians
3. Holy Week and Vegetarianism: A Personal Experience
1. Leafleting Feedback
Christine in Fairfax, VA writes: It was great leafleting at the Toby
Mac concert on March 13. I was very successful, too. Please keep my
email address for future volunteering. You have great brochures. I have
about 10 leftover and kept them so I can hand them out to others. Have a
Blessed Day and Happy Easter
2. Looking for Musicians
Jan Fredericks, who plays guitar, seeks to generate a music group to
perform for churches in NJ and eastern PA and NY. The music would be veg-
and animal-friendly. She seeks multiple instrumentalists and singers. To
learn more, contact Jan at
3. Holy Week and Vegetarianism: A Personal
Greetings to fellow members of the Christian Vegetarian Association.
As we prepare ourselves to receive the risen Christ on Easter Sunday, we
need to avoid becoming distracted by anything that might keep us away
from our Lord and interfere with our understanding the reason of His
death and salvation for us. Being a vegetarian can help us become closer
to His creation, but we must not stop there. We need to work hard and go
on our knees to receive the Lord and come closer to God.
I would like to share my story about being a Christian vegetarian. I
was strongly guided by Christian principles and faith to help me become
a vegetarian. At the same time, I was deeply troubled because the church
– “the pillar of our faith" – and the priests were blind to cruelty of
animals and deaf to the animals’ cries of pain and suffering. Church
leaders happily participated in the banquets that included the end
products of cruelty and suffering. I was deeply saddened because the
church was not doing anything. I felt alone and unsupported by either
churchgoers or the priests. Over time, I came to understand that
vegetarianism should not stand in the way of the growth of my faith and
my participation in the church community.
Here is a story I heard in retreat recently that really resonated to
me. A righteous man died and met St. Peter at the gate. St. Peter asked
the man, “Do you have enough credits to enter in through the doors of
the heaven?” The man said, “Sure.” So St. Peter asked the man, “Okay,
tell me all of them.” The man replied, “I was a good father and a good
husband.” St. Peter said, “That’s 2 points.” “I helped the poor,” and
St. Peter said, “1 point.” “I attended every Sunday mass and led my
family to the church,” and St. Peter said, “2 points.” The man continued
and reached 100 points, but nowhere close to 1000 points that he needed
to enter the gates of heaven. Then the man was exhausted and terrified
that he would not make it to heaven and he cried, “Jesus help me.” Then
St. Peter said to man, "Welcome in to Heaven. The moment you cried out
to Jesus and sought Him, you got all the points you needed.” While
virtues are important, and being vegetarian is one, we need to reach out
to Jesus.
I think being vegetarian and promoting vegetarianism is very
important, but the resistance we sometimes meet should not tempt us to
leave the church. It is important that we continue to remain active in
our church communities because all Christians together constitute the
body of Christ. Paul wrote, "Now you are the body of Christ, and each
one of you is a part of it" (1 Cor 27). Before I became a
vegetarian, I was a Christian with a similar faith as other Christians.
Vegetarianism has enriched and enhanced my faith, though for a long time
I struggled with feelings of loneliness in the church. In response to
this struggle I prayed to God, increased my visits to Church, and read
the bible more. I am now in my seventh year of vegetarian activism,
encouraging my brothers and sisters in Christ to accept a plant based
life and to come closer to God and honor God’s creations.
Have a blessed and renewed Easter and may God be with you,
Through Christ,
Joe Stephens