Sustaining Membership
2. Activism
3. Vegan Dog
Sustaining Membership
The CVA offers Sustaining Membership to those paying our $25 annual
subscription. In addition to the weekly e-newsletter available to all
members, Sustaining Members receive the Take Heart! daily e-messages,
which include inspirational comments, biblical commentary, health tips,
an advice column, and recipes.
To become a Sustaining Member, go to our
page, and fill out the form, which will take you to the dues-paying
section. Or, you can send a check to CVA, PO Box 201791, Cleveland, OH
44120. Donations to the CVA are tax-deductible.
2. Activism
Judy, leafleting at a Toby Mac concert in St. Louis, MO on 9/1, reports:
When the four of us arrived, the concert had started and the seats were
already packed with screaming teens having a wonderful time. As we stood
around trying to decide what to do, we noticed that people were coming
out occasionally to go to their cars or leave early. So we stationed
ourselves at both gates and handed out quite a few that way. We also had
some great conversations and even some prayers with people who weren't
in a hurry. We were also able to talk to several other people who were
there handing out their own leaflets. As usual everyone was friendly,
smiling, and easy to talk to.
Before we knew it, it was 11pm, the show was over, and we were able
to hand out all the rest of our pamphlets. Those folks were in a big
hurry however, so none of them stopped to talk. We were able to hand out
about 800 pamphlets
Thanks so much for the opportunity and the great literature. We know
in our hearts some of the seeds fell on fertile ground.
Peace to you and to all beings,
Judy Carman
Suzanne, who leafleted at a Women of Faith "Amazing Freedom"
conference in Seattle June 29-30, writes: We offered Honoring God’s
Creation as the conference ended today. It went over pretty well, though
it was tough competing with another group that was leafleting about "the
REAL God" and how their brand of Christianity was better than the
others. We handed out, 400 give or take 25 or so.
To find out about all upcoming leafleting and tabling opportunities
in your area, join the CVA Calendar Group at
http://groups.yahoo.com/group.christian_vegetarian/. Read the
home page, and then join. You will then be able to log in anytime to
identify upcoming events in your region.
Contact Paris at
christian_vegetarian@yahoo.com if you might be able to help.
3. Vegan Dog
Rondy writes: Regarding Christine's feeding her dogs "Nature's Recipe"
Vegetarian Formula, I feed my dogs the exact same thing and they LOVE
IT!! They like it better than meat – smart dogs! It's more expensive,
but what I spend on food I save on trips to the Vet – mostly for skin