Worker Sentenced for Abusing Cows
One of the workers shown in the
undercover video shot by the Humane Society of the United States (HSUS)
at a Southern California slaughterhouse has been sentenced to six
months in jail. Rafael Sanchez Herrera pleaded guilty to three
misdemeanor counts of illegal movement of non-ambulatory animals,
including dragging sick cows with metal chains and forklifts,
shocking them with electric prods and shooting streams of water in
their noses and faces.
To read the full article please
Worker sentenced in slaughterhouse abuse
Animal cruelty needs to be punished
by law as it happened in this case. Farmed animals are at the mercy
of humans and have no means to defend themselves or speak up to
avoid victimization. As Christians, we are called to show mercy and
love to all Creation, and in this way participate in bringing peace
and harmony to Earth.