Take Heart!
From Christian Vegetarian Association (CVA)

Compassionate Killing?

Tom Hodgkinson, a pig farmer, tells us his experience at killing the pigs he raised. According to him, killing animals for food is not murder, but justifiable homicide. Although his pigs died relatively without pain (they were shot in the head), Hodgkinson related feeling tenderness towards the animals when they were killed, as well as sadness and gratitude. Once a vegetarian for 10 years, Hodgkison believes eating meat from animals raised in small scale farms, and humanely killed, is a compassionate act.

It’s hard to see compassion in the act of killing a young, healthy animal for the sole purpose of taste, and not survival. We, humans, are very adept are rationalizing our actions, in order to suppress the tugging of our conscience. Compassion is seen when we spare the life of God’s animals and choose a plant-based diet, which not only benefits these animals, but also our health, the poor and the hungry, and the environment.


Compassionate Killing? - Take Heart - Christian Vegetarian Association
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Christian Vegetarian Association Presents:
Take Heart!

Compassionate Killing?

Tom Hodgkinson, a pig farmer, tells us his experience at killing the pigs he raised. According to him, killing animals for food is not murder, but justifiable homicide. Although his pigs died relatively without pain (they were shot in the head), Hodgkinson related feeling tenderness towards the animals when they were killed, as well as sadness and gratitude. Once a vegetarian for 10 years, Hodgkison believes eating meat from animals raised in small scale farms, and humanely killed, is a compassionate act.

The compassionate carnivore

It’s hard to see compassion in the act of killing a young, healthy animal for the sole purpose of taste, and not survival. We, humans, are very adept are rationalizing our actions, in order to suppress the tugging of our conscience. Compassion is seen when we spare the life of God’s animals and choose a plant-based diet, which not only benefits these animals, but also our health, the poor and the hungry, and the environment.

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