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Christian Vegetarian Association Presents:
Take Heart!

What ducks endure

When you think of a duck, most likely the image in your mind would be of one on water. Children are told that ducks live near bodies of water because they spend a lot of time on it. According to zoologist Juliet Gellatley, ducks spend 80% of their time on water since they play, swim and feed on it. So important is water for ducks that they can go blind if they are unable to rinse their eyes with it. God crated them to be on water.

In spite of our knowledge about what ducks need and how they behave, most of the 18 million ducks raised for meat in the U.K. have no access to water for bathing and 90% of them are intensively confined.

A report by the animal protection organization Viva! states that the industry keeps 10,000 birds to a shed with a stock density of about eight birds per square meter (10.8 square feet). According to producers, who have no regard for the lives of these animals, say that such access to water would spread disease. To us, Christians, to deprive an animal of an essential God-give need – in this case water - is to disobey God.

Although the U.K.’s Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) and the Council of Europe recommend that ducks have enough water to cover their heads and splash their backs, Viva! says this rarely occurs and cannot be enforced. The duck industry is said to be aware of the criticism and close to finalizing a code of practice.

To read the full article please visit http://news.independent.co.uk/environment/article1162749.ece 

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