1. Movie Review: Humans and Other Animals
This documentary, which is produced and directed by Mark Devries, makes a
compelling case that humans should treat nonhumans as kin. After noting that
humans and nonhumans have similar evolutionary origins, the documentary
explores the philosophical implications. The strong arguments favoring
benign treatment of nonhumans, he finds, contrasts sharply with the way
animals are actually treated. Largely relying on footage from his own secret
filming, Devries documents the misery that is inherent in industrial animal
agribusiness. This is the tragic plight for the vast majority of animals
raised for food throughout the world.
Interestingly, many randomly chosen people on the street acknowledged that animals should have similar rights as humans. However, we all have come to know that the vast majority of “animal lovers” as well as those who are indifferent to animal welfare continue to contribute directly or indirectly to animal exploitation and abuse. The challenge, it appears, is how to help create a world in which people live by the values and ethics they profess to believe. Meanwhile, among those who argued for ethical treatment for humans only, their arguments seemed weak and self-serving.
Devries’ earlier, award-winning production Speciesism: The Movie has been widely viewed and well received. Humans and Other Animals is also very much worth watching and sharing with family and friends. It does not include very graphic material, such as slaughterhouse scenes or depictions of castration without anesthesia and other mutilations. While the discomfort of watching such abuse does not compare to the discomfort of experiencing it, withholding more graphic content probably makes the film much more palatable.
Stephen R. Kaufman, MD
2. From All-Creatures.Org Ministry
All-Creatures.org Newsletter, September 11, 2024
5 million lego pieces? — ten grim climate scenarios — dairy cruelties ‘proudly exhibited’ at state fair — chicken farm to mushroom farm — Klamath River dam removed — #freePaulWatson — some of the many devastating consequences of palm oil — Adidas, kangaroo leather and Jackie Joyner-Kersee — Kentucky horseracing: 3 heatstroke deaths in 3 days — and more…
All-Creatures.org Newsletter, September 18, 2024
Rediscovering MENA’s vegan heritage — Billions of Frogs tortured for their legs — an end to draining Horseshoe Crabs’ blue blood? — more Gibbons released back into the wild — 15 more Cats saved from lab horrors — horrible pound director ousted — MADS scale for activists — cruel Camel rides — extensive water pollution and CAFOS — Captain Paul Watson still jailed — and more…
Do you have things that you would like to see included in future newsletters? Then send it to us at veda@all-creatures.org.
In the Love of the Lord,
Frank L Hoffman
Tams Nicholson
Executive Directress