1. The Problem of Evil, part 9; Service
Last week, I described gratefulness to God as a component of the faith of
Christ. Genuine expressions of gratefulness should be more than words; they
should involve actions. As such, I think that central to Christian faith is
service to God. How can we serve God?
Jesus served God by serving others. He washed the feet of his disciples and
he prayed for the realm of God “on earth as in heaven.” He said that
righteous people can be discerned from unrighteous people: “you will know
them by their fruits” (Matthew 7:16, 7:20). Similarly, James said, “faith by
itself, it has not works, is dead” (2:17).
I see Christians as called to protect and serve all of Creation, which we
should regard with awe and wonder and receive in gratefulness. A position of
humility, care, concern, and gratefulness is open to everyone, regardless of
their religious views. As Christians, we can be light unto the nations
(Isaiah 42:6), which might lead humanity out of these dangerous times to a
world where all might flourish and live in peace.
Stephen R. Kaufman, M.D.
2. From All-Creatures.Org Ministry
We hope you enjoy this week’s newsletter. There is always so very much to
share including …
Tick bites causing ‘red meat allergies’ — Tyson’s consistent disgusting
cruelties — the sufferings of ‘farmed’ Fishes — thankfully Jeta’s 16 years
of being a ‘dancing bear’ are over — “Crow Cosmopolitics: crow-human
coexistence” — farmed Animal sanctuaries' decreases in donations? — another
horse track closing? — another leather and plastic alternative — pregnant
Mares’ hormone ‘extracted’ to cause larger farmed Pigs’ litters — “One
Health” for everything and everybody! — and more…
All-Creatures.org Newsletter, August 9, 2023
In the Love of the Lord,
Frank L Hoffman
Tams Nicholson
Executive Directress