1. On Presuming the Best Motivations
I’m an admirer of Lori Gottleib’s “Dear Therapist” column in The
Atlantic. A good illustration of her advice, which I think applies helpfully
in animal advocacy, is her most recent (6/27) column “My Daughter-in-Law Is
Posting Nasty Things About Me Online”. Her daughter-in-law has complained
about her clothes, her suggestions for child-rearing, the amount her son
helps around the house, and other things. Dr. Gottleib’s advice includes
assuming the best possible motives for the daughter-in-law’s behavior.
It is tempting to presume bad motivations when people do things we don’t
like to us or to others. Sometimes, bad motivations, such as callousness or
sadism, play major roles. In that case, our attempts to win their hearts and
minds will fall on deaf ears. Most people, however, wish to be kind. Many
people don’t know the degree to which animals are abused for animal-based
foods and for other purposes, thanks in part to lies spread by
animal-abusing industries. Those who are aware often feel conflicted, with
the better angels of their nature struggling with their immediate desires.
Therefore, our messages can often be better received if they begin with
something like, “I’ve always found you to be a kind and compassionate person
…” and then “Many people don’t know that …”
The animal-abuse industries, similar to political activists on both sides of
the spectrum, attribute bad motivations to their adversaries. If we want to
succeed using non-violent tactics, we must choose a different tack.
Stephen R. Kaufman, M.D.
2. From All-Creatures.Org Ministry
Have the tissues ready when you read Lily Carrington’s A Lamb To
Slaughter. She is a year 12 student at Te Aho o Te Kura Pounamu.
Again, this week’s edition is packed full of information covering
up-to-the-moment 2022 topics including GOOD news for animals,
thought-provoking AR articles, religious and spiritual vegan information,
art & stories, and so much more!
All-Creatures.org Newsletter for
July 21, 2022
In the Love of the Lord,
Frank L Hoffman
Tams Nicholson
Executive Directress