1. Activist Feedback
Rick Hershey writes:
I handed out 1750 CVA booklets at JQH Arena at Missouri State University for Winter Jam today. Denise was waiting in line to attend the event, and she volunteered to hand out 50 booklets, so we handed out a total of 1800. The windchill was 33 and there was light rain about half of the time. As usual, most of the booklets went to kids. Big thanks to Denise for her help!
Chip and I handed out 3000 CVA booklets at Paycom Center in Oklahoma City for Winter Jam. This was the last WJ event for this year, and we enjoyed nice weather and a high take rate.
2. Living in Peace - Biblical Guidance
The Bible is replete with stories of conniving, murder, and violence. It
even describes, often with evident approval, the killing of innocent
nonhumans to relieve one’s own guilt. Yet, the later Hebrew prophets and
Jesus opposed sacrificial violence, which is rooting in the scapegoating
process, and they offered guidance for harmonious living.
The later prophets repeatedly denounced sacrificial violence (for example
Micah 6:6-8. Amos 5:22-24, Hosea 6:6, Isaiah 1:11-13, 16-17, Jeremiah
7:22-23), and the Bible twice quotes Jesus declaring, “I desire mercy and
not sacrifices” (Matthew 9:13, 12:7). Further, it is likely that the action
that led to Jesus’ death was his driving out the animals slated for
sacrifice from the Temple (John 2:15). Humans have always found community
through collective violence against scapegoats, who they blame for their own
conflicts and failings. Obviously, this is unjust. It is also an
unsatisfactory approach to the perennial problem of human violence, because
scapegoats are repeatedly needed to unite communities that are constantly
pulled apart by human greed, jealousy, and other shortcomings.
To my reading, the Bible offers two principal paths to build communities
grounded in peace rather than violence. The first is forgiveness. Jesus
repeatedly taught that we should forgive, and indeed the “Lord’s Prayer”
includes a call to forgive those who have wronged us. The human tendency is
to presume bad intentions when others harm us and to deny our own
contributions to conflicts. Forgiveness looks past the various intentions
involved and presumes that those who have harmed us are not fundamentally
evil. Forgiveness opens the door to reconciliation. And, for those burdened
by a sense of guilt for past misdeeds, forgiveness manifests the kindness
and compassion which underlies peaceful communities.
Next, I will consider withholding judgment as a second path toward peaceful
Stephen R. Kaufman, M.D.
3. From All-Creatures.Org Ministry
Here are our recent All-Creatures Newsletter, which we hope you like and share with others to help stop the exploitation and killing of animals.
You will find the extremely helpful and free guide entitled
What to Eat When You Don't Eat Animals: menus and ideas to inspire people
who want to eat as if life is precious by Veda Stram of
All-Creatures in this week’s newsletter. The story behind this guide is as
amazing as its contents! Be sure to check it out and share it with other
vegans and pre-vegans.
And as always, thank you for your readership and we are delighted to provide
you with this week's edition of the All-Creatures.org Newsletter covering
up-to-the-moment 2022 topics including GOOD news for animals,
thought-provoking AR articles, religious and spiritual vegan information,
art and s stories, and so much more!
All-Creatures.org Newsletter for March 24, 2022!
In the Love of the Lord,
Frank L Hoffman
Tams Nicholson
Executive Directress