Weekly Newsletter from Christian Vegetarian Association CVA - July 5, 2021
From Christian Vegetarian Association (CVA)

  1. Film Review: My Octopus Teacher (Netflix)
  2. Activist Outreach
  3. All-Creatures.Org Ministry

1. Film Review: My Octopus Teacher (Netflix)

This documentary explores the relationship between a diver who is fascinated by and feels connected to ocean life and a female octopus. He befriends and studies a female octopus. I was struck by her intelligence and resourcefulness as she overcame the many challenges to her survival. This story reminds us that there is remarkable intelligence throughout the animal world, including among invertebrates.

Though intelligence as defined by humans should not be the criterion of moral consideration, films such as My Octopus Teacher should help people recognize the value of other animals. The storyline and the cinematography make this an engaging and enjoyable film.

2. Activist Outreach

Kenneth in Kenya writes:

Thank you so much for the 500 booklets and 4 DVDs. I received them on June 28 and started to distribute to schools, churches, and community resource center on foot as our people realize that there is much to learn on vegetarian which is good for health and creating awareness on protection of animal rights. May be blessed.


3. All-Creatures.Org Ministry

Newsletter: Please read our all-creatures Newsletters, which we hope you like and share with others to help stop the exploitation and killing of animals.

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