Weekly Newsletter from Christian Vegetarian Association CVA - June 26, 2021
From Christian Vegetarian Association (CVA)

  1. The Primacy of Truth
  2. News: World’s first cultured meat production plant opens in Israel
  3. All-Creatures.Org Ministry

1. The Primacy of Truth

As I see it, American partisan politics has contributed to cancel culture. As each side increasingly sees the other as an existential threat to the nation, winning elections takes precedence over truth. Those who recognize that there is merit in the other side’s positions and there are flaws in the positions of one’s own side are seen as enemies who must be silenced.

As the saying goes, the first casualty of war is truth. There are several drawbacks of living in a post-truth world, including for nonhumans. They include the following:

  1. There are real challenges to human civilization, including population growth, climate change, depletion of natural resources, and unsustainable personal, corporate, and governmental debt accumulation. Responding appropriately to these challenges will require facts, not feelings or allegiance to one’s own political tribe.
  2. When feelings replace facts, sentiments that reflect self-interest tend to prevail. Therefore, believing that one’s own nation is exceptional and fundamentally good can make people blind to their nation’s flaws. Believing that humans are infinitely more valuable than nonhumans assuages guilt that might otherwise surface when one sponsors the unnecessary torture and murder of nonhumans for food, clothing, science, and entertainment. Visceral discomfort among some people when contemplating homosexuality encourages hard-hearted treatment of people who find themselves attracted to members of their sex.

Commitment to truth is an essential bulwark against bad policy decisions and bad ethics. Can society regain a commitment to truth when it comes to human affairs while retaining falsehoods when it comes to animal issues? I will consider this question next.

Stephen R. Kaufman, M.D.

2. News: World’s first cultured meat production plant opens in Israel

The world’s first cultured meat plant is opening in Israel. Currently, the facility can produce cultured chicken, pork and lamb, without the use of animal serum or genetic modification, and the production of beef is coming soon. The company claims its products are cost-competitive compared to flesh derived from animals.

3. All-Creatures.Org Ministry

Newsletter: Please read our all-creatures Newsletters, which we hope you like and share with others to help stop the exploitation and killing of animals.

Recipe: We just published another one of our vegan recipes.

Newsletter Archives 2006-2021