Welcome to the weekly CVA blog! In it you will find famous quotes, news and commentaries.
1. Living Close to a Factory Farm
North Carolina, one of the largest poultry producers in the U.S., is allowing factory farms to move to residential areas pushing people to deal with the environmental problems that factory farms cause. NPR explains what it’s like to live close to a factory farm, with the smell and pollution it entails.
Please visit When a Chicken Farm Moves Next Door, Odor May Not Be the Only Problem.
2. This Week’s Famous Quote
When the Earth is ravaged and the animals are dying, a new tribe of
people shall come unto the Earth from many colors, classes, creeds, and who
by their actions and deeds shall make the Earth green again. They will be
known as the Warriors of the Rainbow.
~ Native American Prophecy
3. Raising Livestock Destroys the Environment
VICE exposes the cattle industry for their contribution to one of the most serious problems the planet is facing: global warming. Raising cattle for dairy and beef produces methane, a potent greenhouse gas that has 25 times the global warming effect of carbon dioxide on a 100-year scale. Please visit Meat Is Murder — On the Climate, Anyway.
4. Factory Farming is Not Good Investment
Investors are looking at what science says and at consumers’ demand, and they clearly recognize that investing in animal agriculture is not a good business. Factory farming is on the spotlight for its inherent cruelty to animals, its devastation to the planet, and its contribution to public health deterioration.
To learn more, please visit Factory farming divestment: what you need to know.
5. This Week’s Video: Planet Earth - As We Eat Our Way To Extinction
Beautiful, inspiring video showing the wonderful planer we live on but also
the devastation the animal agriculture causes to it.
Please visit Planet Earth - As We Eat Our Way To Extinction.