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Meat is Devastation
June 16, 2014

Welcome to the weekly CVA blog!  In it you will find famous quotes, news and commentaries.

  1. Whales and Fishing
  2. Famous Quote: Thich Nhat Hanh, Buddhist Monk
  3. Meat, Deforestation and Flooding
  4. Bible Verse: Colossians 3:15
  5. Cutting Meat and Dairy Even by Half Contributes to Good Health and Environmental Restoration
  6. This Week’s Video: Pollutants in Salmon

1. Whales and Fishing

A coalition of U.S. environmental groups called “Whales Need Us” is raising awareness about the link between Icelandic whalers and fish sold in the U.S. Posters by this group with the words “Do you know who caught your seafood?” are now appearing on buses, trains and other venues in Boston.

Please visit Whales Find Good Company.

The fishing industry is tremendously devastating to God’s Creation. The suffering of fish and other aquatic creatures, the unbelievable waste involved, and the destruction of precious habitats should encourage everyone to replace fish with plant-based foods that contribute to healing and not destruction.

2. Famous Quote

“Every day forty thousand children die in the world for lack of food. We who overeat in the West, who are feeding grains to animals to make meat, are eating the flesh of these children.”
~ Thich Nhat Hanh

3. Meat, Deforestation and Flooding

Much devastation comes when we destroy habitats as in the case of the widespread flooding in the Madeira river watershed in Bolivia’s Amazon rainforest and the drainage basin across the border, in Brazil. Sadly, this flooding seems to have been caused by deforestation.

Please visit Deforestation in the Andes Triggers Amazon "Tsunami".

Already 70% of the rainforest worldwide has been destroyed. A major driving force for this tragic fact is factory factoring, and its need for land for cattle feed and cattle grazing. Therefore, as long as we continue to indiscriminately cut down trees and destroy precious habitats, we will continue to reap the negative consequences that affect all of God’s Creation.

4. Bible Verse

RSV) Colossians 3:15

And let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, to which indeed you were called in the one body. And be thankful."
We are all children of a loving God and everything in Creation shares the essence of this love. When we do unnecessary harm to any of God's creatures we are creating fear and violence. On the other hand, when we show love and compassion to God's creatures we are creating peace and harmony.

5. Cutting Meat and Dairy Even by Half Contributes to Good Health and Environmental Restoration

According to the United Nations, cutting meat and dairy by half in Europe would reduce greenhouse gas emissions from agriculture by 25-40% and European’s intake of saturated fats by 40%.

Please visit Halving Meat and Dairy Consumption Could Slash Farming Emissions.

If cutting in half the consumption of meat and dairy would bring such amazing benefits to people’s health and to the environment, imagine if people would go vegan! Transitioning to a plant-based diet could truly heal God’s Creation in ways we could only imagine.

6. This Week’s Video: Pollutants in Salmon

Watch Dr. Greger explain why farmed Atlantic salmon, the kind of salmon most commonly found in restaurants and supermarkets, may be the single largest source of toxic dietary pollutants.

Please visit Pollutants in Salmon and Our Own Fat.

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