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Forking God’s Creation
March 3, 2014

Welcome to the weekly CVA blog!  In it you will find famous quotes, news and commentaries.

  1. Solving the Problem
  2. Famous Quote: Frederick Douglass
  3. Iowa’s Big Pig Problem
  4. Bible Verse: John 14:27
  5. The Chicken Industry: Abuse and Contamination
  6. This Week’s Video: Nathan Brown, “Beyond Meat” CEO

1. Solving the Problem

There are many problems that need to be solved in the world. Among those are our dependence on fossil fuels, our lagging behind in education and our food system that relies on animal products.  

Josh Tetrik, CEO of Hampton Foods, explains why it’s sad that our food choices rely so much on convenience and price. And that’s why, at Hampton Creek Foods, people are working tirelessly to address a huge problem: the consumption of eggs produced by billions of hens who are egregiously abused. Hampton Creek is developing an egg by only using very affordable plant-based ingredients. That really means addressing a huge problem.

Please visit Solving the Problem Actually Means Solving the Problem.

We ca all be part of the solution by transitioning to a plant-based diet. By doing this, we help address the serious issue of raising God’s animals for food that affects humanity in every way.

2. Famous Quote

I prefer to be true to myself, even at the hazard of incurring the ridicule of others rather than to be false, and to incur my own abhorrence.

~ Frederick Douglass

3. Iowa’s Big Pig Problem

Iowa, due to its thriving pork industry that now has entered the Chinese market, is facing new challenges that continue to pose hazards to public health. More pigs equals more bacteria, more viruses and more manure, which is contaminating drinking water.

Please visit Hog Wild: Factory Farms are Poisoning Iowa's Drinking Water.

When we victimize God’s animals we cause unimaginable suffering to them and to ourselves. Abuse to animals and humans, proliferation of certain diseases, contamination of soil, air and water, and overuse of antibiotics are some of the most serious problems this industry is responsible for. Why, as Christians, would we want to support an industry that does not accord with our values and beliefs?

4. Bible Verse

(RSV) John 14:27

Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be trouble, neither let them be afraid.

I think Jesus was referring to the inner-peace we find (even in the midst of suffering) that arises from recognizing God’s essence in us and aligning Jesus’ teachings with our choices.

5. The Chicken Industry: Abuse and Contamination

The NNC Animal Welfare Guidelines for the humane treatment of chickens are simply deplorable. Mutilations without anesthesia, overcrowding, overuse of antibiotic and other drugs, pathogens in the chicken’s flesh, high levels of ammonia in chicken sheds, etc. are examples of what this industry considers common and acceptable.

Please visit Contamination and Cruelty in the Chicken Industry.

What is common and acceptable for the poultry industry should appall every one of us, especially those who believe that we should not abuse God’s animals or pollute God’s Creation. Nine billion chickens suffer unimaginable abuse and pain in order for the chicken industry to make profit and for consumers to enjoy the taste of their flesh and eggs. These reasons are simply not good enough.

6. This Week’s Video: Nathan Brown, “Beyond Meat” CEO

“Beyond Meat” CEO, Nathan Brown, was a guest on CBS News.

Watch the interview where he explains why vegan meat and the benefits on the whole planet. 

See CVA 2014 Blogs - Index
See CVA 2006 - 2013 Blogs

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